Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee @ Parajunkee’s View and Alison @ Alison Can Read. Each week the two hosts post a question for Book Bloggers to answer, provide a link-up, and choose a participant to feature on their blogs. If you participate, the point is to follow others and in return gain followers.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Feature & Follow! I’m Lillian in case you didn’t know that already 😉 I started blogging a year ago and it has been a fun and crazy year! I read pretty much anything that is placed in front of me, I’m a bit of a cover snob, and I tend to gravitate to young adult fiction. Why young adult? Well, it’s usually a cleaner read than adult fiction, there’s plenty of action/suspense, and who can resist a romance about first love?!
My blog features whatever I happen to be in the mood to read. I’ve had some fun interviews with authors and characters and hope to do more in the very near future. Please join me in some bookish adventures. You can follow via Bloglovin or anyway you choose 😀
This week’s questions is: “Do you use the #FF on twitter on Fridays? If you do, are you afraid you’ll forget someone and they’ll be sad?” – Suggested by Unconventional Book Views.
I have a confession….I don’t twitter. At least I don’t twitter (or is it tweet) well. So I have never used the #FF on Fridays. In fact what does it mean? Can someone explain the use of a hashtag to me? It use to be called a pound sign 😉 Okay that’s showing my age, I promise I’m not that old, but I just don’t understand twitter. I’m trying though and I’m a fast leaner. I just need a teacher….pretty please?!
What about you? Do you twitter…or tweet…of whatever it’s called? What is #FF used for and how do I master it? Do you use it, yes or no?
…or follow any way you chose 😀
Remember this is a blog hop. Be sure to visit the other blogs and give them some love too!
This is the blog’s one year anniversary week and I have two giveaways going on now. Click below if you are interested. Up to four winners 😀
- Happy Blogaversary to Me! (US/Can only)
- Meet the Author: Michelle Bryan (INT)
Hahahaha!! Awesome response!! I remember it being called a pound sign, too! Haha! (: Ugh, I have a Twitter account and I’m not even entirely sure what to do with it. I really just use it to retweet when I’m trying to win a giveaway! Lol!!
Here’s my FF!
Pearl recently posted…Feature & Follow – Using #FF on Fridays
Haha! That’s awesome! I have a plugin that auto posts my posts when they go live and that’s about all I use mine for. I’ve tried to post randomly but I just don’t get it!
Twitter can definitely be a lot sometimes. Lol
Old follower
Jess recently posted…Feature and Follow (36)
I don’t Twitter – yet. I know I should, but so far I haven’t. It is on the to-do list though. Yeah, I remember when that was just a simple pound sign with little power in the world. 😉
Old bloglovin’ follower
My FF this week
Marsha recently posted…Feature & Follow #5
I’m trying to Twitter just not very well 😉
I also havent used the twitter tag and while I dont know how to use it properly, I am also afraid that I will forget someone. 🙂
Old follower
Nikita recently posted…Feature and Follow #41 ~ Do you use the #FF on Twitter?
What is it used for Nikita?! I don’t even know that 😉
I don’t even have a Twitter account, and when the term “hashtag” first came out, I was totally confused.
Old follower 🙂
Here’s my Follow Friday!
Lisa recently posted…Hello Friday and Happy Early Valentine’s Day! Time For A Blog Hop
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one!
It took me a while to understand what the hashtags were for too.
New BlogLovin’ follower.
StinaMadsMN recently posted…Feature & Follow Friday (1)
Haha, yes it did use to mean pound sign. I use twitter probably more than I should. I’m kind of obsessed. Honestly the best way to learn is to just give it a try. It’s a good way to connect with fellow bloggers and authors. If you have specific questions let me know and I can try to answer them.
Happy FF! Old follower.
Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally recently posted…Feature and Follow Friday
I have never heard of the #FF tag on Twitter, and not real sure even what it is LOL Still new to all this blogging stuff.
Followed you via Bloglovin
The idea of the #ff is to tweet the twitter usernames of those you follow then add the #ff at the end. This tells your followers that they are worth following and maybe they’ll get some new followers out of it and so will you if they reciprocate.
The thing you mustn’t do (cos it pisses people off big time) is to retweet any tweets you’re mentioned in, because then, the others who are alos tagged in t hat tweet get notifications. And then it just gets silly.
It’s on of the original tags and is almost as old as twitter itself.
If you’re ever confused about tags, just click them and soon you’ll get the idea of what it’s all about.
Congrats on being featured!
Regular follower x
Thank you Kate!! I’m going to have to try this next week 🙂