Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee @ Parajunkee’s View and Alison @ Alison Can Read. Each week the two hosts post a question for Book Bloggers to answer, provide a link-up, and choose a participant to feature on their blogs. If you participate, the point is to follow others and in return gain followers.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Feature & Follow! I’m Lillian in case you didn’t know that already 😉 I started blogging a year ago and it has been a fun and crazy year! I read pretty much anything that is placed in front of me, I’m a bit of a cover snob, and I tend to gravitate to young adult fiction. Why young adult? Well, it’s usually a cleaner read than adult fiction, there’s plenty of action/suspense, and who can resist a romance about first love?!
My blog features whatever I happen to be in the mood to read. I’ve had some fun interviews with authors and characters and hope to do more in the very near future. Please join me in some bookish adventures. You can follow via Bloglovin or anyway you choose 😀
This week’s questions is: “Have you ever read a book you thought you’d hate but loved? Or vice versa?” – Suggested by A Great Read
This is a great question!! I’ve had my fair share of books recently that I thought I would hate and wound up loving and vice versa.
Thought I’d hate but loved:
- Harry Potter – Yes, I know. Don’t start. But I really thought I’d hate this series and wound up loving it. In fact it’s in my top five favorites of all time 😉
- Angelfall by Susan Ee – I’m not big on angel mythology books because it’s just not my thing. But Penryn and Raffe I love them! Can’t get enough. Oh and book three comes out in a little over a month :::squeal:::
- Lord of the Rings – I HATED the movies, mainly because it just ended and I didn’t know it was a trilogy. A friend talked me into reading the series when I got in college and I begrudging did (Note: I felt obligated as said friend bought me a copy of the trilogy 😉 ) I LOVED it! And I now enjoy the movies as well.
- The Iliad – There is just something that intrigues me about the epic poems and this one especially. It was a required read in college and I fell in love. We didn’t have to read the entire poem but I was so engrossed in the story that I did.
Thought I’d love but hated:
- Game of Thrones – I only made it about halfway through the first book and it was torture! I gave up. My husband has read all of them and harps on me that I need to as well. One day honey I will…just for you 😉
- Left Behind – I was really excited to read this series. So much so in fact that when I stumbled across the ENTIRE series at a used book sale I bought them ALL. I’ve yet to read past the half way point in the first book 🙁
- Wuthering Heights – I’ll admit I have a thing for classic literature and I expected to enjoy this book when it was assigned in college. I HATED it with every fiber of my being! Is there really two more detestable characters in all of literature than Heathcliff and Catherine?!
What books have you been wrong about?
…or follow any way you chose 😀
Remember this is a blog hop. Be sure to visit the other blogs and give them some love too!
I tried reading LoTR when I was a young teen and I just couldn’t get into it. I will try again soon now that I am much older!
I just got Game of Thrones and I am really hoping that I would enjoy it, I love the show so much 🙂 I also gave Wuthering Heights a go a few years back but urgh I just kept putting it down.
New follower via Bloglovin’ & Twitter!
Check out my FF here!
Ee @ Bursting Books recently posted…Feature & Follow Friday #8
LOTR is one of my favorites but I love fantasy. I never tried reading it when I was younger though. If you give it another try, let me know how you like it. I hope you have better luck than I did with Game of Thrones! I’m going to give it another go at some point 😉
Thanks for the follows!
Do check out my FF: http://bookstopcorner.blogspot.in/2015/04/feature-follow-8-judging-book-before.html
New follower 🙂
Aditi recently posted…Feature & Follow #8: Judging a Book Before Reading or After Reading
Will do! Thanks for the follow 🙂
Okay, first, can I just say that I’m a mom with reading problems too!? Gah! (composes herself) It’s true what they say! Books are always better than the films; although, I can’t deny that I am a fan of the LOTR film adaptations 😛
New Follower! <3
Sparrow’s F&F
Claudia {Sparrowhawk} recently posted…Sparrow’s Reading Corner: {It’s About The Friday Book Memes | Volume No. 42}
Exactly! Books are always better than the movie 🙂 LOTR was no different, though I did like the movies better after reading the books 😉
Thanks for the follow!
Oh, I’m really glad you liked Angelfall – that’s on my TBR list at the moment! I didn’t think I’d like the Harry Potter series either – I remember thinking that i didn’t want to read a book that everyone loved about a boy with a rubbish name (I was six) – but then a few months later my dad bought me the first book to take camping, and I read it four times in a week (I read a lot. Like, A LOT). After that, I was hooked!
(I’ll be following you on bloglovin by the way 🙂
Beth x
Beth recently posted…Feature and Follow| Judging Books by Their Covers
Oh Beth you’re making me feel really old. Haha! I think I was in 8th or 9th grade when the books started coming out 😉 Angelfall is amazing! I love post-apocalypse type books anyways and this one doesn’t disappoint! Hope you enjoy 🙂 Thanks for the follow!
I had the opposite experience with Wuthering Heights. I thought I would hate it but ended up loving it, I’m not sure why though… the majority of the characters are awful.
New Follower! 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Book Beginnings, The Friday 56 and Feature and Follow (10 April)
I really tried to like it. Maybe I should give it another go now that it wouldn’t be required reading 😉
Thanks for the follow!
Ha, ha. Who hates Harry Potter? Strangely enough, I thought I’d dislike it, too!
Thanks for following me, followed back on Bloglovin’ 🙂
Ranu recently posted…Review: 18 Thoughts by Jamie Ayres (My So-Called Afterlife #3)
I know but I was in college before I finally read them. Then I binge read all that was published at the time! I’m still not sure I remember my reasoning. Thanks for the follow 😀
I actually thought that I would hate Harry Potter, and that’s wait I put off reading it for so long! But I LOVED it! Old follower!
Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde recently posted…Feature and Follow #13
I did too! I waited til only the last book had to be released before reading them and then I binge read all of them!
Oooooh! I loved Angelfall! But I can’t understand why you would read something you thought you’d hate! I just can’t do it! Haha! Old follower 🙂
Here’s my F&F!
Tracy (@Cornerfolds) recently posted…Feature & Follow #43: Books I ended up hating
I’m determined to make it through Lord of the Rings. I’ve tried so many times, but I haven’t been able to do it yet. Maybe it’ll be easier now that I’m a few years older than the last time I tried.
Once you get past the beginnings where all the characters are introduced and all the new lands are explained it moves fast! Hopefully you’ll like it
Sadly I’ve not read any of the books that you mentioned. I’m a mom with a reading problem too! New follower via Bloglovin. Here’s my F&F post: http://mountainrhinestones.blogspot.com/2015/04/feature-and-follow-3.html
Andrea recently posted…Feature and Follow #3
Well if I could recommend only one it would be HP 😉 Thanks for the follow!
I kinda loved Withering Heights back in middle school but if I read it now, it would probably annoy me to no end! I thought I would hate Angelfall as well, but turned out I loved it!
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger recently posted…No Limits by Lori Foster
Isn’t it awesome?! I want to give Wuthering Heights another go but I always find something else to read 😉
My friend tried to get me to read The Games of Thrones and I gave up less than half way through. I definitely agree. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
Old follower
Jess recently posted…Feature and Follow (43)
I’m glad I’m not the only one!
I actually loved Wuthering Heights. I didn’t think I would but it’s one of my favorites. And I adore Game of Thrones! I’m glad you liked Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings though! They’re some of my favorites. 🙂
New follower!
My FF: http://www.cayt.com/feature-and-follow-friday-7/
Cayt recently posted…The Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R Donaldson Review
One day I’ll give Wuthering Heights another go 😉 Thanks for the follow!
I followed via GFC!
I also want to read Harry Potter because everyone keep recommending it to me!
Link to FF:
You’re the second blog I’ve visited that mentioned Wuthering Heights, and I agree wholeheartedly. That one really disappointed me. I like HEA’s too much.
Shannon The Tale Temptress’ FF
Shannon @ The Tale Temptress recently posted…Discussion Post: How much time do you spend commenting on other blogs?
Oh and new follower. 🙂
That’s me! I do NOT like endings that end badly. Thanks for the follow 🙂