Children’s Corner #11 – Leopold by Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Posted July 15, 2015 by Lillian in Children's Corner, Reviews / 0 Comments

Children's Corner

After nearly a year hiatus, I’m so happy to bring Children’s Corner back. What makes this even more special to me is that little man is helping with the reviews. Instead of using a star rating, little man is giving me: or .

Now that those changes have been addressed on to our first book 😀

Children’s Corner #11 – Leopold by Dr. Ruth WestheimerLeopold by Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Published by Turner on 2015-08-04
Length: 34 pages
Reviewing eARC from Edelweiss

Leopold is an uplifting parable about a turtle overcoming his fears, as told by Dr. Ruth Westheimer, with beautiful, hand-painted illustrations by Suzanne Beaky. Dr. Ruth's grandson, Ben, is afraid to join the soccer team. To help out, she tells him the story of Leopold the Turtle, who always stays on the shore. It terrifies him to go join the other turtles and play in the water and sun on the rocks. Leopold just can’t get out of his shell, and the longer he waits, the more he starts to doubt. Even though Leopold feels quite alone, he stays on the riverbank where it’s safe. But Freddy the Frog is a little concerned about Leopold and asks him to join them in the river. Leopold has to choose whether to brave the unknown and join his friends or to stay lonely and remain safe on land. In this charming, rhyming tale of a turtle too afraid to set foot in the river, Leopold proves that facing your fears can set you free.

Leopold by Dr. Ruth Westheimer and illustrated by Suzanne Beaky is a cute story about a turtle afraid to join the other turtles in the lake. Full of beautiful illustrations and prose, it was an easy read for my little one and kept his attention from the first word (not an easy feat for a 4 year old little boy!).

Copyright: Suzanne Beaky

The story starts with Ben, Ruth’s grandson, who is afraid to join the soccer team. His first practice is that afternoon and he is thinking about just not going. Grandma Ruth then tells him Leopold’s story.

All the young turtles were sunning on rocks.
There was Boxy, Snappy, Shelly, and Socks.
They were busy soaking up the sun’s rays,
Something they always did on beautiful days.

Only Leopold remained on the shore;
It’s not that he liked the shade so much more,
but he was too afraid to leave the safety of his home,
and so he stayed in one place, never to roam.

Leopold’s story is perfect for little one’s who may have a fear of something. For us (and probably more me than little man), it’s starting preschool. This book uses easy to understand language to convey that it’s okay to be scared, but keep moving forward! You’ll never know what you’ll like until you try it 😉

Copyright: Suzanne Beaky

And Ben learns just that! Listening to his Grandma Ruth he goes to practice AND he had a good time. Leopold is a turtle we can all learn from as we learn to conquer our fears.

Little Man’s Conclusion:  


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