Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee @ Parajunkee’s View and Alison @ Alison Can Read. Each week the two hosts post a question for Book Bloggers to answer, provide a link-up, and choose a participant to feature on their blogs. If you participate, the point is to follow others and in return gain followers.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Feature & Follow! I’m Lillian in case you didn’t know that already 😉 I started blogging a year ago and it has been a fun and crazy year! I read pretty much anything that is placed in front of me, I’m a bit of a cover snob, and I tend to gravitate to young adult fiction. Why young adult? Well, it’s usually a cleaner read than adult fiction, there’s plenty of action/suspense, and who can resist a romance about first love?!
My blog features whatever I happen to be in the mood to read. I’ve had some fun interviews with authors and characters and hope to do more in the very near future. Please join me in some bookish adventures. You can follow via Bloglovin or anyway you choose 😀
This week’s questions is: “What is your favorite movie?” – Suggested by A Kernel of Nonsense
What a great questions 😀 I LOVE movies!!! And I don’t have just one favorite. I think I have a favorite for every mood. Am I the only one that does that?
When I want epic romance….
When I’m looking to laugh….
When I want a classic….
When I’m in the holiday spirit…
When I want a little action….
When I want the geek to come out….
What’s some of your favorite movies?
…or follow any way you chose 😀
Remember this is a blog hop. Be sure to visit the other blogs and give them some love too!
The Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourites too. I just love everything about it. Great picks! I haven’t seen some of these but they look good.
Hope you have a nice weekend! 🙂
I love Mr. Darcy in this version! And I thought it was pretty close to the book, including all my favorite parts 😀
I loved that version of Pride & Prejudice, though I still see Colin Firth as the one and only Mr. Darcy. It’s been AGES since I saw When Harry Met Sally. As for the oldies, I’m ashamed to say I’ve never seen them *blush*
Thanks for stopping by! New Follower via Bloglovin. Happy Friday!
Ruby @ Ruby’s Books recently posted…Follow Friday #22
I have a confession to make…I’ve never seen the Colin Firth version! I may change my mind if I ever do.
If you decide to watch any of the oldies, I suggest any Cary Grant or Katherine Hepburn movie. They are all good!
Thanks for the follow! Have a great week 😀
Hopping through. I haven’t seen When Harry Met Sally in a long time. Fun movie! I love the Pride and Prejudice movie too.
Alison (@AlisonCanRead) recently posted…Feature and Follow Friday #263
It’s one of my faves 😀 I think the diner scene is probably one of the funniest scenes in movie history!
I have not seen any of these movies, but I have heard great things about a lot of them. Thanks for stopping by.
New bloglovin follower.
Chioma @ Blue Books and Butterflies recently posted…Feature and Follow 7/24/15
Thanks for the follow!
Love your choices! Seriously epic! New follower via Bloglovin’, google+, and twitter. I also saw that you live in TN, way cool! I love TN but sadly had to move away when I was 16… I was from Goodlettsville area.
Carrie @The Book Goddess recently posted…Feature & Follow (5) *Featured Blogger*
Thanks for the follow! Born and raised in TN and I don’t think I’ll ever leave. From the Chattanooga area 😀
I love the Star Wars movies! And I still have yet to watch When Harry Met Sally, but I’ve heard it’s great! New follower via Bloglovin’ 🙂
Cristina recently posted…Feature and Follow Friday #5
Great choices…choosing a movie always does depend on what kind of mood you’re in at the time. I’ve seen a couple people mention Pride & Prejudice, which I haven’t seen, so I probably need to watch that sometime. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
OOh nice ones! I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve ever sat through any of these! Maybe Indiana Jones, but not sure if that’s the one I saw. We have it one on VHS somewhere! LOL!
Here’s my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Jessica @ a GREAT read recently posted…Follow Friday
I need to watch more classic movies! You’ve got some great suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog. Old follower 🙂
Olivia recently posted…Review Policy
As far as classics go, you can’t go wrong with Cary Grant or Katherine Hepburn.
The most recent adaptation was my favourite version of Pride & Prejudice. I’ve watched it lots of times!
Old follower 🙂
Hazel recently posted…Feature and Follow Friday: Favourite Movie
I pretty much like all of your favorites, though not a huge Star Wars fan..lol..I only watch that one for Harrison Ford. 🙂
Stormi recently posted…Book Review: Wicked Prey by John Sandford
Great choices I haven’t seen some of these movies but they look and sounds amazing. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. New follower on Bloglovin.
Katiria Rodriguez recently posted…Book Blitz & Giveaway: Created ( Created #1 ) by Peiri Ann
I haven’t seen When Harry Met Sally in forever. Of course, love Gone With The Wind. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
Old follower
Jess @ Little Book Heaven recently posted…Feature and Follow (52)
A New Hope and Indiana Jones are both amazing. Harrison Ford is definitely one of my favorite actors. I also love him on Ender’s Game.
Thanks for stopping by 😀 I just followed back.
Izzy Francez recently posted…Feature & Follow [#1]
Brilliant movies.. Do check out my FF: http://bookstopcorner.blogspot.in/2015/07/feature-follow-18-my-favorite-movies.html
Old Follower:-)
I also LOVE Indiana Jones and Star Wars series! I can’t WAIT for the new Star Wars movie to come out!
Thanks for follow me 🙂 Followed you back!
Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy
I love the Pride & Prejudice movie. I was watching it on the treadmill a few weeks ago.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #12