Sunday Post #50 – Indian Summer and Time Change

Posted November 8, 2015 by Lillian in Features / 10 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things you have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Sunday everyone! What a beautiful week it has been. We had our last taste of warm weather. Temps hit above 70 and a couple of days we were near 80! We really enjoyed that last bit of warmth 😀 Time change however is killing us! Little man is not adjusting well. I don’t know if being at my parents’ last week just completely wore him out or if he’s trying to get sick. He has been pitiful this week. One day he’s up playing and his hyper little self, the next he’s cuddled with me on the couch saying he hurts. Maybe growth spurt? That’s what I’m hoping.

In addition to that, his bedtime went from between 8-9 at night to 7! Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m quite enjoying the couple of hours of peace before bedtime. However I’m NOT enjoying the 6am wake up call! Granted I’m usually up by 6:30 anyways, but that extra thirty minutes is really nice 😉

Reading wise, I think I kicked the slump. I read 5 books this week! Three in 2 days and yes that means I just skipped sleep. And YES they were worth it. I finally got to read The Heir by Kiera Cass and I’ll be honest I really wish I would’ve waited until The Crown comes out in May. That cliffhanger!!!! I need it now!

What did you read this week?

Currently Reading

I started Hope’s Deceit yesterday and let me tell you a secret. It was all I could do to NOT drop everything I was doing and read it when I got it. I LOVED the first book and it’s been nearly a year and a half since I read it. Definitely worth the wait 😀

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Up this Week

  • Meet the Author: Laurencia Hoffman – interview
  • Top Ten Tuesday | “Top Ten Book To Movie Adaptations I’m Looking Forward To or Ten Book To Movie Adaptations I Still Need To Watch” via the Broke and the Bookish
  • The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom – review
  • Empty Arms – discussion
  • Hope’s Deceit by Angela McPherson – release blitz and review
  • Feature & Follow Friday | “What are the funniest books you’ve ever read?” via Alison Can Read and Parajunkee’s View
  • Weekend Reads | The Damned by Laura Thalassa – review

This Week’s Book Fix

The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy (Kindle Freebie)

On the Accidental Wings of Dragons by Julie Wentzel (Kindle Freebie)

Flowers in the Snow by Danielle Stewart (Kindle Freebie)

The Masked Heart by Karla Darcy (Kindle Darcy)

Fire & Ice by Patty Jansen (Kindle Freebie)

Cowboy Kisses (Boxed Set) by Lacy Williams (Kindle Freebie)

Married for Christmas by Noelle Adams (Kindle Freebie)

Christmas in Good Hope by Cindy Kirk (Kindle Freebie)

The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow (eBook purchased)

Seaside Christmas by Stacy Claflin (Review Copy – Blog Tour)

Book Cover for "The Damned" by Laura Thalassa

The Damned by Laura Thalassa (eARC via Author)

Book Cover for "Scent" by Juliet Madison

Scent by Juliet Madison (eARC via Diversion Books)

What are you reading this week?

My husband is off doing interviews this weekend and won’t be back til sometime tomorrow. We’re nearing the end of his residency and he’s looking at jobs closer to family. Little man and I decided to stay home so he didn’t miss school. We both are missing him!

This week I’ll be cleaning and doing a few things around the apartment. I plan to sneak my Christmas tree up while the hubby is away 😀 He should be proud of me though. The last few years we haven’t put it up til after Thanksgiving, this year I wanted it up two months ago!!!

Reading wise, I have a few blog tour books to read and a library book. I think I can get them done though. What are your plans this week?

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10 responses to “Sunday Post #50 – Indian Summer and Time Change

  1. Oh the change in time must be really hard. We have daylight savings in parts of Australia and I know some parents talk about it taking some time for their kids to adjust to the different arrangements. Not time as much as I’m not sure they change their actual bedtime but just those first few days…. (and having good block-out curtains etc!)

    Hope things improve!
    Deborah recently posted…Weekly check in

  2. I hate changing the time – either way – and I totally understand that the 6am wake-up call is difficult to deal with. It’s like the last part of sleep is the most important one, and you don’t get that 🙁
    Your new books look great this week, Lillian! I’m very curious about The Scorpion Rules.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…The Sunday Post #57 – Charlie Winston!

  3. The weather has been great but this weekend got really cold. I am always worried with the change in weather that the kids will get sick. I spent most of the week opening and closing the window and at one point had the AC on because the house was so humid. I hope your little guy isn’t getting sick 🙁 maybe it is some growing pains.

    You got a nice Haul this week, Seaside Christmas looks so cute and I am all in with Christmas but the family wont let me decorate yet. They said I had to wait until after Thanksgiving because they feel I might be a little obsessed. 😉

    I hope you have a fantastic week, Lillian! Happy Reading! ox
    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…And….I got books ~ WIR & TSP

  4. oh wow o.o i think we are going to go looking for the Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving this year, assuming my husband can make time for it. But that’s awesome, is it fake or?
    The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy looks really good. We also had some 70 temp this week!
    Lily B recently posted…Sunday Post #3 Production

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