Merry Mondays is a weekly meme hosted here @ Mom With a Reading Problem during the month of December to celebrate Christmas and the holiday season. Each week a different topic centered around the holidays will be discussed.
Wow!!! Has this year flown by or what?! With only 3 days left in 2015, this week’s topic is fitting: “How did you do with this year’s resolutions?” I am happy to say that I’ve done fairly well. I set 10 goals for myself at the beginning of the year and for the most part I’ve kept them. So let me be honest with you and give you one final update for 2015.
Personal Goals
I started the year with four goals: lose weight, run a 5k, try new foods and read the Bible cover to cover. Let’s see how I did!
Losing Weight
If you read my last update, you would already know that I’m on track with this goal. Since Christmas last year to now, I’ve lost a total of 45 pounds!!!! Go ME! I’m officially under 200, which I haven’t been that in a very long time. I’m down from a pant size 20 to a 15/16, in shirts from a 2x to a L, and my ladies lost a cup and a few inches around.
People who see me daily may not notice, I didn’t notice. The only thing I really noticed were my pants falling off and going to the last hole in my poor belt. We got a little Christmas money from our parents and the first thing I did was buy a pair of jeans that fit. My sweet husband (please note the sarcasm here) lovingly pointed out when I modeled them for him “Hey honey, you’ve got a butt again!” ? Yes, sweetie the new pants do reveal my curves again ?
Now this goal is by no means done! I’m still roughly 50-60lbs from my goal weight. I have faith that if I can stick with limiting sweets, cutting down on my cokes and upping my physical activity I WILL reach that goal. But this isn’t a fad diet for me, it’s a lifestyle choice. And trust me when I say that if this couch potato, chocolate loving girl can do it, SO CAN YOU!
Run a 5k
Elijah and I have this in common. I still hate running!!! I’ll be honest with you. I started the year off by walking on the treadmill, then got one week of running/training in before I found out I was pregnant. Those of you that follow the blog know that the pregnancy didn’t last long, we lost our little angel baby early on and for the few weeks we thought we’d be able to pull through the doctors put me on activity limitations. After I miscarried, I really didn’t feel like doing much of anything and well the running fell to the back burner.
My goal for 2016 though is to up my activity level and hopefully finally run that 5k ?
Try New Foods
That ☝️ pretty much sums up my response to new foods. I just…I can’t! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, it’s childish, I KNOW, but I just can’t do it. Some foods just thoroughly gross me out. And just in case my husband is reading this, YES HONEY, I did try the banana nut bread I made and YES HONEY I did gag on it ?
Read the entire Bible cover to cover
I failed miserably at this one too! I started the year going strong and then life took over and I never was able to catch back up. I’m still reading and I’m almost finished with the Old Testament. Next year I plan to continue reading and possibly start over, read through slowly and study as I go. This year the Bible reading was all about getting exposed to the entire thing, now it’s time to dig deep!
Bookish Goals
I started the year with 3 book/reading related goals: read 100 new-to-me books, read TMI and Outlander series, and make half of my reads my one-click freebies.
Read 100 new-to-me books ?
I had NO problem with this goal. It was met back in August. According to Goodreads, I have officially read 168 new-to-me books. That’s 42,562 pages ? I’m feeling quite accomplished at the moment….to see my year in books, check out this cool page created by Goodreads:
Read The Mortal Instruments and Outlander series
Yeah I’m not even going to lie. I had every intention of reading these this year and it just didn’t happen. I even joined a reading challenge to read the Outlander series. I read the first book and that was IT. I loved Outlander so much that I’m honestly afraid to continue reading. I will one day, because I own all the books, just not today and obviously not this year.
Make half my reads one-click freebies
Also didn’t happen. The blog has been booming this year! I have received SO many advanced copies and requests for reviews that I really haven’t had the time to read other books. I’m not complaining about this though. It’s a good problem to have, I just have learned to prioritize my reads!
Blogging Goals
Like my bookish goals, I had three: blog daily, blog ahead, and meet new friends. I’ve done fairly well with these goals. I’m averaging roughly 5-8 posts a week, and some weeks close to 10 (this week will be one of those weeks!). I’ve also kept a decent schedule, staying around a week ahead and with some of my weekly features a month or more ahead! This makes a much happier blogger out of this organizing freak ?
And I’ve met lots of new blogging friends this year and a few authors. #COYER is a great way to meet fellow book bloggers and it’s fun to exchange recommendations and help out on one another’s blogs. I hope to continue to meet new people in 2016!
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