Sunday Post #90 – Domesticated

Posted August 28, 2016 by Lillian in Features / 22 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things you have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Sunday everyone! I don’t know about you, but this week has flown by for me. Little man is starting to fall into the groove of things at school, and I’m getting used to having my alone time. I personally think my husband might be reaping the benefits more than me 😉 I’ve become the ultimate housewife this week, or at least I’m feeling like I have. The laundry was done and put up, the bed made every day, I even managed to clean the bathrooms and vacuum. I’m feeling quite accomplished. The question now becomes what will I do this week…

Reading has been slow for me. Not because I’m not enjoying it or in a slump, but because I haven’t found a good routine. Before little man was in school, I would do all of the things above and read after he was asleep at night, but because I’m getting up before the sun rises to get myself ready and then him off to school, I lay down to read at night and fall asleep!! I have got to find a good reading time, I’m jonesing for a good book!

Currently Reading

I’m getting close to the end of this series and so far I have loved it! This was a great pick for the Can You Read a Series in a Month challenge. Thanks all for the recommendation!

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Up this Week

  • Last Kiss of Summer by Marina Adair – release blitz and tour
  • Top Ten Tuesday | “Back To School Freebie” via the Broke and the Bookish
  • Chasing Fireflies by Taylor Dean – review
  • Ash & Bramble by Sara Prineas – review
  • Weekend Reads | The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski

This Week’s Book Fix

What are you reading this week?

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22 responses to “Sunday Post #90 – Domesticated

  1. Yeah this week went by fast, hard to believe school is back on already. I miss summer already. The Amber Project I’m curious about, and I love the cover of The Neverland wars. Every time I see that one I think what an amazing cover it has. Hopefully it’s good too. 🙂
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #157

    • I do too especially with little man in school. The Amber Project is a freebie for now if you want to pick up a copy for yourself 😉 I felt the same about The Neverland Wars. I love the Peter Pan retellings, all of them are so different. It was on sale this week so I picked it up 😀 Hoping it delivers with that amazing cover! Hope you have a great week Greg!

  2. Every week is flying by and it needs to stop it. lol You’ll figure out a good reading time as you get in a groove. New schedules always take a bit of getting used to. I know my hubby will be glad when the boys head back to school tomorrow. An empty house is good for, well… 😉

  3. I usually read at night but this year I will be getting up even earlier since my son’s school starts at 8am. So he needs to be out of the house by 7:30. I am hoping I don’t start falling asleep. I have my Fridays alone and I usually sit at 1 to read until the kids get home and by 1:30 I am out cold. I have to set an alarm so I wake up in enough time to get them.

    I am glad you schedule is working out and you will find your groove.

    Have a great week, Lillian! Happy Reading!
    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Almost back to normal ~ WIR & TSP

    • Thanks Michelle! Your schedule sounds similar to ours. Little man starts at 8 too and the early wake up has me falling asleep when I sit to read. Hoping that’s just a side effect of the first few weeks of school 😉 Good luck reading!

  4. Yeah the weeks are flying by far too fast. For me it’s not so much finding time to read, it’s actually doing it, when I’ve managed to make time, and not suddenly realising I’ve spent a few hours doing very little…
    Darren @ Bart’s Bookshelf recently posted…Sunday Post

    • I’m feeling the same way! We moved over the summer so I still have a little unpacking to do. So when I do have free time to read, I feel the box glaring at me ? Hope you have a great week!

  5. Yes… once they start school, everything changes! It’s just a question of finding that new pattern. I used to get a fair amount of reading done when Frankie was living with us while waiting for her in the school playground when picking her up as she was always one of the very last ones out. But I think you have a different system in the US, don’t you? Anyway hope you manage to find a new reading rhythm and have a good week. My Sunday Post this week –

    • We do have a different system for picking the kids up, at least in my area of the US. We have a carline and the teacher puts little man in the car. Doesn’t take as long as you would think though. The school has it down to a science! It’s impressive 😀 Hope you have a great week!

  6. I never will get used to school starting in August, although it’s been like that for many years. My fond memories of beginning school take me to cool, crisp days with autumn leaves. Nostalgia.

    Enjoy your new routine…and how great that you got so much done around the house. I have been lagging with house stuff, and I have no kiddies around for an excuse…lol

    Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE

    • I hate that they start so early!! We enrolled little man in a private school and he at least started a week later than the public schools here, but still….wish it was after Labor Day like it used to be! Thanks for stopping by Laurel, hope you have a great week!

    • I’m slowly doing it. I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks which is a nice change of pace and crocheting again which is my second love. Hope you have a great week Sherry!

  7. I’m glad your little boy has settled into school but can understand how sometimes – when you have more time – you find it harder to do the things you need to. I’m always more efficient when I’m busy!
    Deborah recently posted…Weekly check-in

  8. One of the few good things about the two+ hours I’ve been spending in transit each day recently has been the amount of reading I’ve been getting done! Still doesn’t make me love the commute, but it does make it hurt a little less!

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