Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. They’d love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
This week’s topic is a “Halloween related freebie.” Last year I did a post on snack food/appetizers for your Halloween party, and two years ago I did a post on kid-friendly Halloween movies and books. This year I thought I’d list my favorite ghouls from books and movies. SO here are my favorite ghosts in no particular order:
Top Ten Favorite Ghosts
Nearly Headless Nick from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling: I love Nearly Headless Nick. He’s a proper English gentleman who is upset that he cannot be a part of the headless horseman ride at Halloween because his head is barely hanging on. 😆 Poor Nick!
Jacob Marley from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens: This is one of my favorite classics both on the screen and on page. Marley is Scrooge’s deceased partner and has come to warn him to change his ways before he winds up like him, a ghost forced to carry the burdens he left on others. He’s creepy, never ceases to scare me and a cautionary tale.
Susie Salmon from The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold: This was the first book I ever read where the story is told from the viewpoint of the ghost. Susie is dead, killed and her family holds out hope she will be found safe and alive. Susie watches her family as they grieve and track down her killer.
Tony from The Shining by Stephen King: Tony isn’t technically a ghost but I still love him. No one really knows who he is or what role he is playing until the end of the book so no spoilers 😉
Lila Wate from Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl: Lila is the main character’s mother. Her presence is never confirmed, yet she is a strong force in the novel, guiding her son from beyond.
Posey from For One More Day by Mitch Albom: First off I love this author and this book is amazing. Posey is the dead mother of the main character who has decided to take his own life. He wants just one day with his mother who died 8 years earlier and he gets it!
Hannah from The Ghost Next Door by R.L. Stine: I love stories where the ghost doesn’t know they are a ghost and the Goosebumps series introduced me to it first. Hannah is fascinated with the boy next door after her friends leave for break, not writing or answering her calls. She’s sweet and innocent and a tad creeped out by the boy.
Dr. Malcolm Crowe from The Sixth Sense: See above for why I love this character 😉 and if you haven’t seen the movie don’t read above!
The Sons for the 81st Lord of Stormhold from Stardust by Neil Gaiman: I love this book and movie (even though they are SO different). The sons competing to become the next Lord is humorous and sad, especially the lengths they go to, killing each other and all. I think what makes me love them though is how they stick around as ghosts, observing and rooting for their brothers.
Tristan from Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler: I read this book in middle school, but I still remember it. I cried for the first time at a book when Tristan died and then cheered when he became a guardian angel to his girlfriend who is still grieving him. It’s interesting how the story plays out and when I was looking at the book for the post I realized the author wrote a second set of books to go along with the original trilogy….must go read now 😀
What ghostly characters are your favorites? Share below
My favorite Ghost is in tomorrow’s post (sorry about the rhyme). Interesting list!
Great Top Ten! I don’t know why I didn’t think to add The Lovely Bones to my list! I LOVED both the book and movie 😀 My Top Ten Tuesday!
I don’t run into a lot of ghosts, but I think one of mine would be Logan from Losing Logan by Sherry D. Ficklin….
OMG I love the ghost brothers in Stardust! They were such a perfect, funny little touch. ^.^
I love/am terrified by books/movies where the ghost is a ghost but doesn’t know they are a ghost- or even more so when the people around don’t know that the person they are talking to is a ghost. SHUDDER. Great list!
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