Audio Review: Intuition by Amy A. Bartol

Posted September 26, 2019 by Lillian in Reviews / 0 Comments

Audio Review: Intuition by Amy A. BartolIntuition by Amy A. Bartol
Narrator: Emily Woo Zeller
Series: The Premonition #2
Published by Tantor Audio on 2013-08-12
Length: 15hr and 42min
Reviewing Audiobook from Audible Escape
Reading Challenges: 2019 Audiobook Challenge, Beat the Backlist 2019

I don’t open my eyes so I can’t see him, but I can smell him. He thickens the air I breathe, choking me with his scent…his aroma. I shiver. I have to resist. If I’m not strong, then I will be relegated to the same fate as this predator whose sickness infects me even now. But now, I crave him and he knows that; he has been counting on my need to end the gnawing pain. How he would savor my surrender. I’m alive, but how much longer will it take until I beg him not to be?

Well, here I am again, having a hard time writing a review for the second book in Amy A. Bartol‘s series The Premonition. It isn’t that I didn’t enjoy Intuition. On the contrary, I really did. It’s more that I don’t know how to unpack all my feelings and thoughts on this book because y’all, there are many! If you haven’t read the first book in this series, please know that there will be spoilers to that book in this review…consider yourselves warned 😉 Intuition by Amy A. Bartol picks up right where Inescapable left off. Evie and Russell survived Freddie’s attempts to take Evie’s soul. Reed, Zee, Buns, and Brownie have formed a family of sorts to protect to the half-angels from those that would do them harm. After an incident involving another power angel, Evie convinces Russ to leave with her to protect their surrogate family. But neither are prepared for what hunts them. 

What I Liked

  • The character progress for Evie and Russ. Both characters are now half-angel, half-human and are hunted for the soul they possess. As soulmates they are inextricably tied together. When one hurts, the other hurts (emotionally, not physically). In addition to learning of their angel part, they are both suffering PTSD from their encounter with Freddie and the Fallen. The author portrays this perfectly. Showing the anxiety and fear that accompanies them everywhere now.
  • The Gancanagh. Basically these are vampires, and Evie encounters them during this book after her and Russ leave. The Gancanagh were Fae before they were captured, killed, and made undead. They had a choice, die or become undead. In becoming undead, they lost their souls. Yet Evie still sees something good in them, even if they frighten her. 
  • Brennus. Y’all what is it with me and liking the bad guys?! I love Brennus! He is the leader of the Gancanagh and one scary man. He terrifies me and tortures Evie, yet I found myself falling for him. Does Stockholm syndrome apply to readers? Because if it does that would explain a lot 😅

What Left Me Wanting

  • Reed and Evie. Y’all I’m trying to jump on the Reed and Evie forev-ah train, but I’m failing. Their relationship makes zero sense to me. I don’t get the whole butterflies feeling Evie gets around him. It’s lust girl. But I think that’s more a me-thing. I love soulmate stories, and Evie is hurting Russell (her SOULMATE) to be with Reed. I’m trying to let my ship sink, but it’s dying a slow, miserable death y’all.
  • New Moon 2.0. So I mentioned in my review of Inescapable how the author was clearly a fan of Twilight, well it spills over here. There are so many parallels to the second, least popular Twilight saga book. Evie leaving Reed for his own good, Russ pining and falling for Evie, the big bad unknown that threatens Evie’s life, and Dominion. All of it reminds me of the events in New Moon. And now there’s a new addition to the cast in the form of Gancanagh….Bartol’s version of the wolves if you ask me. 
  • POV. Book one was told exclusively from Evie’s POV. In this book we also get Russell’s POV which I loved. However it didn’t flow well with the story. It really splits the book into three parts. The beginning with the Power angel and Evie, then it skips a month or longer (I can’t remember) and picks up with Russ’s POV, before going back to Evie’s for the end. If the timeline hadn’t jumped before Russell’s POV began, I may not have been so lost. As it was, I thought I’d missed something.

Final Thoughts

Overall I did enjoy Intuition. I liked the introduction of the Gancanagh, Brennus specifically. But I’m on the fence. I despise love triangles, and now it isn’t so much a triangle as it is a square. Russ owns Evie’s soul, Reed her heart, and now Brennus her blood. It’s all very confusing and I’m hoping the next books in the series have more answers than questions. And that ending *gags* Not what I thought would happen there. But I’ll stick with it and see where the author is going with this. If you enjoy YA paranormal romance, I believe you’ll enjoy this one. 

About Amy A. Bartol

Author Amy Bartol

Amy A. Bartol is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Secondborn Series, The Premonition Series, The Kricket Series, and a short story entitled “The Divided.” She has won numerous awards for her writing and been nominated for several more. She lives in Michigan with her husband and two sons. For more on Amy and her work, visit her website,

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