Sunday Post #196 – February ’20 in Review

Posted March 1, 2020 by Lillian in Features / 2 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things you have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Sunday y’all! I can’t believe February has already come and gone. What a month! Little man turned nine last month, and I don’t know why that makes me so weepy….actually yes, I do. We are halfway to adulthood 😢 I’m proud of the man he is becoming, but I really wish time would slow down a bit. Homeschooling has been fantastic! We are both learning so much. Little man is discovering new favorite subjects, and learning at a much faster rate than he was when we were in traditional school. Plus he enjoys it. My husband and I have both said that if we knew the transition would be this easy, we’d have done it sooner. 

Well I shared the situation with my husband’s job last month. Things have settled down and the shock has worn off. We’ve spent the last month working really hard and opening our clinic, Tennessee Osteopathic Center. Check out the site if you want (it’s still a work in progress, but I’m proud of it. It’s the first website I’ve designed myself – logo and all). We officially opened a week ago and have already been seeing patients 🙌 It’s encouraging, and I hope it continues. 

Reading wise with everything that’s been going on, it’s been hard to focus on the fictional worlds I love. Despite that, I managed to read 8 books and listen to one audiobook. It would’ve been more, but I DNFed two books 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think it was a case of it’s me not you so rather than completely tossing them aside, I just added them back to the TBR pile to try again later. 

March promises to be another busy month, but I won’t complain. I’m enjoying every minute of it 😀 

Favorite February ’20 Read 📖

Book Cover for "The Lost Link" by Michelle Bryan

Reviews in February ’20

Other February ’20 Fun

Coming Up This Week

  • The Tempest Sea by Robin D. Mahle – review
  • TTT | “Books with Single-Word Titles” hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
  • WoW | What new release are you waiting on?
  • Magic Bound by Theresa Kay – review
  • Spencer and the Younger Girl by Michelle MacQueen – review

This Week’s Book Fix 📚

The Lochlann Treaty: Complete Series by Robin D. Mahle & Elle Madison (eBook) | The Lost Legends by Cait Marie (eARC)

Your Turn! What was your favorite February read? What are you reading in March? Any Spring Break plans? Share below

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2 responses to “Sunday Post #196 – February ’20 in Review

  1. Hallo, Hallo Lillian,

    I admit, February was a rough month for me because I wasn’t feeling the best once the cold took a grip over me this past fortnight; however, as I was pulling my thoughts together earlier in the morning today when my cats were driving me positively bonkers, I realised it wasn’t that bad of a month! I might not have read as many stories, nor listened to audiobooks (had the worst sore ears ever!) but the stories I did get to dive into (such as the Jane Austen’s Dragons) were reads which staid with me. One was a first of a Historical Fantasy trilogy where there is a masked avenger in Renaissance Italy and this reading sparked hosting a vlog interview with the author! Second to that – despite not reading the story within “Floodtide” – it was a second entry for HistFantasy and one that I throroughly enjoyed conversing about with its author!

    When I combined those moments with what sparked a bit of joy in sharing some book photos today I started to look at February a bit differently. Still. I am thankful for March and the renewing grace of recovering from a bad Winter cold.

    Life never stops for us to catch up does it? I understand shifting tides in business and in jobs – been going through something similar for awhile now. Hang in there – things do start to turn round.

    Drop by my Sunday Post if you want to see what I’ve been up too during a week I thought I hadn’t accomplished anything outside of binge watchin Star Trek: Enterprise, drinking copious amounts of tea and resting the hours off the cold! lol
    Jorie recently posted…#TheSundayPost VIII | From the misery of a cold to a revival of random bookish joy! [with a bit of an #unboxing reveal for #FindingEsme!]

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