Down the TBR Hole #3

Posted August 1, 2020 by Lillian in Features / 0 Comments

Down the TBR Hole Meme

Down The TBR Hole is a meme originally created by Lia @ Lost in a Story that revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sort through it all to know what’s actually on there. Lia is no longer blogging, so Jody @ I’m Into Books has taken over. Be sure to join the linky on her site!

Happy Saturday (and the 1st of August 😱) y’all! I’m continuing my journey down the TBR hole this month. I think we’ve all been there at one point or another – Looking at our TBR, wondering what to read, and being completely overwhelmed at the sheer amount of books we have listed. As of writing this post, my current Goodreads TBR shelf has 379 books on it, my physical shelf and Kindle TBR shelf have more than I care to share at this time (mainly because I don’t want to count them 😅). Want to join me?

It works like this:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly (or monthly like me), you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the blurbs of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will only being doing this once a month, typically the first Saturday. And I’m probably going to do 10 or more a month. I’m starting with my Goodreads TBR. I’d like to leave only books I plan to read on there and remove all the others. I started this journey on a TTT post. You can follow the journey here: Down the TBR Hole.


The Books

The Beautiful Ones by Lori Brighton

This is a perma-free book on Kindle that I picked up years ago (like when it first came out and I was OBSESSED with dystopians). Reading the blurb, I think I’d still like to read it. It’s a prequel to the The Chosen Ones which is likened to Twilight. What can I say? I’m a sucker for vampires 😄

Verdict: STAYS

The Mind Readers by Lori Brighton

Like the last book, this one was a Kindle freebie many years ago (and currently still is). This is another first in series, this one about a group of mind readers. The mystery surrounding the boy she meets and the haven he takes her too is what initially drew me to the story.

Verdict: STAYS

Unenchanted by Chanda Hahn

How have I NOT read this yet?! I bought it years ago (like the last two) when it was on sale or maybe even a Kindle freebie―y’all it is in KU now for those that are members―AND I met the author at UTOPIAcon in 2017 and purchased paperback copies of the entire series. So again I ask….HOW have I NOT read this yet?! 🤦‍♀️ The premise is the MC is a descendant of the Brothers Grimm and is now in charge of their “unfinished fairy tale business.” This needs to get read asap….

Verdict: STAYS

Forbidden Minds by Karpov Kinrade

Did you know that I am a sucker for pretty covers? Just look at this pretty 😍 I mean do I need another reason to keep it on my TBR….it’s just so pretty. Plus spies and paranormal and I’m sure there will be a little romance too (what YA doesn’t have a stolen kiss or two?). I can keep it right?

Verdict: STAYS

Relentless by Karen Lynch

More vampires? Yes please!
Own it? ✔
Pretty cover? Drool worthy 😍

In all seriousness, I remember adding this one to my TBR before I had Goodreads and wanting to read it. I got this one as a Kindle freebie―imagine that 😄―and it has sat lonely and forgotten since then.

Verdict: STAYS

Open Minds by Susan Kay Quinn

At some point in my reading life, I clearly became obsessed with mind readers. No joke, I feel like every book I’m looking at today has something to do with mind readers. To be completely and bluntly honest, this one no longer appeals to me. The blurb sounds good and it gets fantastic reviews, but in truth, the whole mind reading thing isn’t something I really enjoy anymore.

Verdict: GOES

Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt

I honestly don’t know how this book wound up on my TBR. It isn’t something I would normally pick up. I don’t own it. The blurb sounds interesting, but not something I would normally read.

Verdict: GOES

Stitch by Samantha Durante

Like the last book on this list, I have no idea how this book wound up on my TBR, but y’all 😱

Because what Alessa hasn’t figured out yet is that she’s not really a student, the object of her obsession is no ghost, and her sneaking suspicions that something sinister is lurking behind the walls of her university’s idyllic campus are only just scratching the surface…

That blurb!!!! I need this book in my life ASAP.

Verdict: STAYS

The Annihilation of Foreverland by Tony Bertauski

Ummm…..I really have no words. The blurb sounds like The Maze Runner….sort of. And I’ve tried numerous times to read that and failed. While it isn’t my cup of tea, it may be yours. It’s in KU if you are interested 😉

Verdict: GOES

The Girls From Alcyone by Cary Caffrey

While I don’t remember adding this one to my TBR, after reading the blurb I know why I added it. It sounds exciting, a high-thrill, sci-fi adventure. Maybe even a space opera? It’s in KU (the whole series), so one of these days I’ll get to it. I hope 🤞

Verdict: STAYS

The Narrowing Path by David J. Normoyle

Once upon a time, I can imagine me adding this to my TBR list. The premise sounds interesting, if barbaric. 100 teens go to the surface to battle it out to be the only 6 allowed into underground caverns with the surface burns (which happens every 6 years). And that cover 😍 It’s also in KU for anyone interested….

Verdict: STAYS

The Rain by Joseph A. Turkot

Ummm….I know how this ended up on my TBR, the question is why. I like post-apocalyptic, but this one doesn’t sound like my kind of book.

Verdict: GOES

Virulent: The Release by Shelbi Wescott

Like most of the books on this list, I don’t remember adding this one to my TBR. However, reading the blurb now, the book is appealing. Bioterrorism, a bunch of teens stuck at school while the world falls apart outside. And it’s in KU so bonus 🙌

Verdict: STAYS

External Forces by Deborah Rix

Yet another I don’t remember….this is becoming a problem 😅 Reading the blurb, I can see why it got added. It’s a YA dystopia about a girl who is a genetic deviant and joins the army to hide it. Then she falls in love. So a very typical YA trope that in all honesty I’ve gotten tired of. One of these days I might change my mind, but not anytime soon.

Verdict: GOES

Slip by David Estes

David Estes is one of my favorite indie authors. How I haven’t read this one yet is beyond me! A world with population control, rising waters, and one person slips through the cracks. Honestly I’m excited to read it, I even own it. Now to fit it into my schedule….

Verdict: STAYS


The Running Tally

Books Removed


Books Kept


Total on TBR


Your Turn! Any books I should move to the top of my list? Any I didn’t keep you think I should? Trust me it won’t take much for me to add them back 😄

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