Audio Review: Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost

Posted February 4, 2023 by Lillian in Reviews / 2 Comments

Happy Saturday y’all! Last year I participated in Books of My Heart‘s Night Huntress Readalong. We are finishing that up with a Bonus Round in January reading the Night Rebel series (Ian & Veritas) in a special #SIAM (series in a month) challenge. There will be a final readalong chat in the COYER group on Sunday, Feb. 5th. You can join us here.

Audio Review: Wicked All Night by Jeaniene FrostWicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost
Narrator: Tavia Gilbert
Series: Night Rebel #3
Published by Harper Audio on 2021-02-23
Length: 8 hours and 26 minutes
Reviewing Audiobook from TN R.E.A.D.S.
Reading Challenges: 2023 Audiobook Challenge, 2023 Backlist Reader Challenge, COYER 2023

Set in New York Times best-selling author Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress World, ancient deities are poised to wreak havoc, unless vampires Veritas and Ian can stop them…in this thrilling Night Rebel novel!

A gift from the gods...

Veritas and Ian have finally defeated their worst enemy, but the power it took to pierce through to the netherworld has unexpected consequences. Soon, Veritas is forced to rely on the last person she trusts - a golden deity named Phanes, who seeks far more than a temporary alliance with the beautiful vampire.

Can unleash hell....

But an escape from the netherworld soon pits Veritas and Ian against supernatural beings seeking to rule over mortals once again. Now, they must rally friends and foes alike - if the vampire council doesn’t execute Veritas first. Plus, a wedge between Veritas and Ian threatens to destroy their love. Can they stand together against the unearthly powers about to be unleashed? Or does their love - and humanity - not stand a chance?

I don’t even know where to begin! This book had SO much potential. Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost is the final book in Ian’s and Veritas’s series Night Rebel, and for all intents and purposes, the final book in the Night Huntress world. If you have not read the prior books in the series, there may be spoilers to those ahead. Read at your own risk. From page one to the end, the action DID NOT STOP. Ian is cursed, near death, after the trap set by Dagon at the end of book two. Veritas is at her wits end trying to save him when Phanes, her lesser god fiancé, shows up with a bargain. He will heal Ian if she returns with him for one night AND finds her father to end their engagement. She agrees to what she sees as an easy trade, but nothing is ever easy.

Veritas has grown so much since we first met her in book one. I loved seeing that growth play out here. She’s still conflicted, trying to accept her other nature as herself (which has essentially created two personalities within her mind). I love how loyal she is to everyone around her even those that do not deserve that trust and loyalty. She is fully committed to everyone she encounters in one way or another.

Ian is still Ian. He is reckless to the point of abandon in this one though going to extreme lengths to save Veritas from herself. After she disappears for three weeks with Phanes, he shows up ready to do battle. How he’s gotten so powerful though is a source of contention, and one I’m still not 100% clear on. I need more info on that please Mrs. Frost 😀

Here’s where the story fell apart for me though. From the opening sentence to the last word, it was full speed ahead then a full stop with no real conclusion.

Very dissatisfying. There was no lull in the story. I was fully engrossed, like heart pounding and sweating with Veritas as she does battle with gods and anyone else that crosses her path. Then it just ends. So many questions unanswered, and considering from what I’ve read anyways, that the author has no plans of writing in this world again, I’m so sad. It diminishes how I felt about the entire world, not just this book or series, but the entire world Frost built.

Overall, Wicked All Night was fantastic until it wasn’t. This knocked the shine off the read and honestly threw me for a loop. I love Ian and Veritas, but I was annoyed with them for most of this book. Ian went all alpha on her with ultimatums (which I was on his side about), and Veritas was not the badass law guardian/demigoddess we’ve grown to love. *sigh*

*I buddy read this one with Berls @ Because Reading, Anne @ Books of My Heart, and Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms who all gave it 4 stars.

About Jeaniene Frost

Author Jeaniene Frost

Jeaniene Frost is the New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of the Night Huntress series, the Night Prince series, the Broken Destiny series, and the upcoming Night Rebel series. To date, foreign rights for her novels have sold to twenty different countries. Jeaniene lives in Florida with her husband Matthew, who long ago accepted that she rarely cooks and always sleeps in on the weekends. Aside from writing, Jeaniene enjoys reading, poetry, watching movies with her husband, exploring old cemeteries, spelunking and traveling - by car. Airplanes, children, and cook books frighten her.


The Night Huntress World read-along may be over, but the next one starts now. Head over to Books of My Heart for all the details on 2023’s read-along of Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid Chronicles, and join us March 3rd to discuss book 1, Hounded.

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2 responses to “Audio Review: Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost

  1. Aw when you wrote your review you got more dissatisfied with the ending. I felt better after Grave Girls Getaway even though I still would have liked a better overall ending to this book. I wish she would write a holiday book with one chapter from each of our characters points of view, to wrap things up in this world. But realize they are nearly immortal and this isn’t the end, it’s just the end of our view into their lives, which will go on for perhaps thousands more years.

    Thanks for joining me in the Read-alongs!
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…🎧 The House in the Pines by Ana Reyes @anareyeswriter #MarisolRameriz @PRHAudio #LoveAudiobooks

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