Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together
Happy Tuesday y’all! This week’s topic is “Bookish Goals for 2025.” I kind of did this already in my New Year New Me post earlier this year, but I thought I’d add a few that are specifically bookish and restate the ones I’ve already made. Below are my top ten bookish goals for this year.

Read 100 books in 2025.
I know what you are thinking….”But Lillian, you only read 86 books in 2024. How will you read 100?” The answer is I don’t know, but I have lofty goals 😂 When I started tracking my reading at the end of 2013, I was averaging between 150-200 books per year. I thought that I was starting to read slower, however what I learned is that my books have gotten bigger. So page count wise I am reading more. Maybe this year I can make it to 100 🤞
Make at least half my reads in 2025 from my TBR shelves (physical, Kindle, or Goodreads).
This is one of those goals that I make every year, and I have to say, I did a good job of keeping up with it in 2024. I read 86 books, and 29 of those came from my TBR (older than 2023). I’m slowly culling my Goodreads TBR with the Down the TBR Hole meme making it more manageable and less overwhelming. I hope to continue that trend this year. As I’m coming to an end on my Goodreads TBR cull, I’ll start in on my physical shelves.
Listen to one audiobook a week.
I made this a goal last year with the Audiobook Challenge, and y’all I did it. I listened to 50 audiobooks in 2024 🙌 The two weeks I didn’t were the weeks we were on vacation which I didn’t read at all so yay! What I’ve learned over the last few years is that if I’m struggling to focus on what I’m reading (which seems to be 99.9% of the time these days), when I switch to the audiobook edition, I wind up enjoying the read. That said, I already have my first listen of the year picked out and ready to go.
Raise my NetGalley percentage by 5 points.
This has been an ongoing goal of mine for a few years. For several years my goal is to hit 80%, but now I just want to see it go up. I got behind back in 2015, and it’s been a struggle ever since to raise my percentage. Hoping with a smaller goal I can start hitting the numbers I need to raise that percentage. 🤞
Write reviews as I finish the books.
I got in the habit during 2024 of doing this, at least on books that are ARCs or new releases. Books that have been on my TBR for years don’t always get reviewed. I’d like to change that and start writing reviews for every single book I read. That’s the plan anyways. 😅
Read at least two books a month from the library.
Last year I joined the Library Love Challenge, and I had planned to join again this year, especially since I’m trying to cut back on spending. I forgot to add it to my challenge list, so please consider this my sign up 😉 I’m hoping to, at minimum, read two books/audiobooks per month through my library, mostly the Libby app.
Finish The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.
My husband bought this series for me back in 2014, I believe. I’ve read the first 3.5 books. Yes, I stopped midway through the fourth book. We were moving, and it got packed away. Then, I forgot to pick it back up. I’m hoping to restart and finish it this year. I also have the prequel and sequel series I’d like to read as well. Maybe one a month?
Read more indie/self-publish authors (Read as actually using my KU membership 😅)
When I started my blog, I started it with the intention of helping self-published/indie authors. I had recently discovered indie publishing and fell in love with authors like M.A. Wilder, Jen Wylie, Laura Thalassa, Michelle Bryan, and Rebecca Ethington, among others. I want to get back to that this year and read more indie fiction, especially those just starting out.
Read at least 5 nonfiction books this year.
I know that number is low, but for me it is high. I might read one nonfiction book a year…maybe 😅 Nonfiction isn’t my favorite. I’d like to read a few biographies but also more devotional books as well. Hit me up with some of your favorites please.
Read at least 2 hours per day.
This one may sound simple, but setting this goal reminds me to do it. I prefer to read instead of watch TV for my own entertainment. Having the goal set keeps me from doom scrolling instead. In addition to setting the goal, I’ve figured out about how many pages I can read an hour so I’m able to plan out my reading for the month which I also love. It’s keeping me on track with my ARCs as well as generating content for the blog. To keep track of my reading, I’ve been using the Bookly app which I love.
Your Turn! What are your bookish goals for this year? Any tips to meet mine? Share below
It’s so much easier to write a review right after you finish reading a book!
It is! I’ve got to find a good habit to keep up with my reviews. So far this year, I’m doing ok, but the year is young 😅
Those are all really great goals, and very specific and measurable for the most part. I admit, I went a bit more general with mine, although some of them are connected to very specific challenges where I have set specific goals (“read more library books” connected to the Library Love challenge, for example.)
Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Bookish Goals for 2025
Mine are set with some of my challenges too. It helps to meet the goals if I have something I’m working towards. Good luck on your 2025 goals 🙂
I started The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare last year, I’d like to finish that this year! Love your goals, 100 books in a year is amazing! 🥰
I’d really like to read those when I finish Mortal Instruments. I’ve heard such good things about them, and I love the time period it is set in. Glad to hear you are enjoying them 🙂
OOh nice set of goals! I am trying to read more from my TBR pile as well this year. I did really good with it last year so I am hoping for more of the same! Lol.
Good luck with all of your goals!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I did ok reading more from my TBR last year, but so far this year I’m reading quite a bit from my TBR and keeping up with my ARCs 🙌 Now if I can just continue 😅
The Mortal Instruments is one of my favorite series. I hope you’re able to read them and enjoy them!
I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read of them so far. Just moving through me off and then I forgot to pick them back up 🤦🏼♀️ Hoping to restart with book one in a few weeks.
These are excellent goals. I wish you the best with them.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…🎧 Beautiful Ugly by Alice Feeney @alicewriterland @RCArmitage @Tuppence @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks
I gave up watching tv years ago and it has been a fantastic decision. I have more reading time and my home is always quiet and peaceful (at least when I’m the only one home). Next, I need to dump social media or at least limit my scrolling since it can so easily get out of hand. Good luck with all your goals!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
I also need to review books right after reading them! There are several series I need to finish as well. Good luck with these this year!
Lindsi recently posted…Lights Out (Into Darkness, #1) by Navessa Allen🎧 Narrated by Elena Wolfe & Jacob Morgan
Good luck on your goals!
Laurie recently posted…Book Review: The Girl With the Louding Voice by Abi Daré
I still need to read the spin-off series from the Mortal Instruments. Good luck with all your goals!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…E-galley Review: Leo Martino Steals Back His Heart by Eric Geron