Merry Mondays is a monthly (weekly during December) meme hosted here @ Mom With a Reading Problem throughout the year to celebrate the holidays year round. Each month a different topic centered around the holidays will be discussed.
Merry Monday y’all! In just one short week my little man will be returning to school for first grade. Cue the ugly sobbing over here. This summer has been filled with fun and I feel as if it was just too short to do everything I wanted to do with him. He’s ready to return though. You know how I know this….he’s vegging out in front of the TV and is bored out of his mind. We’ve done some reading though and it’s helped. He enjoys reading which makes this bookworm very happy. This month’s topic is “Back to School. Who inspired you to read?” If you’ve ever read my About Me page, then you know the answer to this question. If not, keep reading 😉
Since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to read. My hairdresser (who is really more like family than someone who does my hair) has known me most of my life and she’s always teased me about how I never go anywhere without book…and it’s true. Now that I have a Kindle and a smartphone, I have multiple books with me at all times.
So when did this book obsession start? I honestly don’t know. I don’t remember what my first book was or when my love of reading began. It’s just always been a part of me. I attribute it to my mom and both my grandmothers. My mom used to read bedtime stories to me every night. As I got older those stories went from Dr. Seuss and the Bernstein Bears to chapter books like Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows. Both of my grandmothers are avid readers. I can remember late nights staying up with my Granny. Both of us on either side of the couch reading and finishing our books in one night. Summers when I’d stay a week or two with her, I’d pack a bunch of books, read them all and then raid her stash of books for some to read. My Mamaw introduced me to authors like Janette Oke and Francine Rivers. Honestly she’s the reason I love historical fiction as much as I do.
Reading is just in my blood I suppose. I enjoy it and didn’t need much inspiration. But these ladies, my Mom, Granny, and Mamaw are the reason I love it as much as I do.
Your turn! Who inspired you to read? Share below!

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