Series: Trixie Towers

Review: Crypts and Crimes by Scarlett Dawn

Review: Crypts and Crimes by Scarlett Dawn

I need book four ASAP please!!! Crypts and Crimes by is the third book in her that follows the Fae princess by the same name and the rest of the royals as they continue their hunt for the artifacts. Y’all I couldn’t sit this one down. I read it in one sitting. It is SO […]

Posted April 13, 2020 by Lillian in Reviews / 2 Comments
Review: Scales and Skeletons by Scarlett Dawn

Review: Scales and Skeletons by Scarlett Dawn

Can you be addicted to a series? If you can, then I am 100% addicted to ‘s series! Like the first book, I devoured Scales and Skeletons in one sitting, forgoing sleep to do so. And I regret nothing ๐Ÿ˜ Scales and Skeletons picks up minutes after the end of Marvels and Misfits. Trixie and […]

Posted October 7, 2019 by Lillian in Reviews / 2 Comments
Review: Marvels and Misfits by Scarlett Dawn

Review: Marvels and Misfits by Scarlett Dawn

Marvels and Misfits by is the first in a brand-new series about a foul-mouthed Elven princess and her race to save the kingdoms. Y’all I was hooked from the first word to the last, managing to read this in one sitting. All I can say is it is perfection!  Trixie Towers is the daughter and […]

Posted July 8, 2019 by Lillian in Reviews / 1 Comment
WoW #143 – Marvels and Misfits by Scarlett Dawn

WoW #143 – Marvels and Misfits by Scarlett Dawn

Happy Wednesday y’all! This week I’m eagerly waiting on Marvels and Misfits by , the first in a new series about elves *squeeeeeee* I love ! She is one of my auto-buy authors so chances are that even if elves weren’t involved I’d be buying this book ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your Turn! What are you waiting on […]

Posted April 10, 2019 by Lillian in Features / 6 Comments