On Monday this week said goodbye to my twenties and hello to thirty! To be honest it wasn’t all that big of a deal. BUT with everything that has happened in the last year, it did get me thinking. What things do I want to accomplish in my life? How do I want my son to remember me? And thus my 30’s to-do list was born. I thought it would be fun to share with you all and update as I go along over the next 10 years. Who knows maybe one of you would like to join in 😉 By the way, these are in no particular order….as you will soon see!
My 30’s To-Do List
Grow my family
I’m an only child and right now so is my son. I’ve always wanted a big family, whether that be having more of our own children or adopting. We’ll figure that out pretty soon!
Buy our first house
My husband and I have been married 10 years this July and in those 10 years we’ve moved 6 times and both been in college, then grad school and residency. In June, my hubby will be officially done and we are already looking for a home. I CANNOT wait!
Live debt-free
Did you see where I said we’d both been in college, then grad school and now residency? Yeah, let’s just say money has been really tight, credit cards were both the friend and enemy the last ten years, and we have school debt up to our eyeballs. My goal during the next decade is to pay it all off!
Pay it forward
During my twenties, we had a lot of people help us out. Whether it was twenty dollars for gas or cosigning a loan for school, my parents, in laws and friends are the best! If they’ll let us, we want to give it back to them. If they won’t then we’ll pay it forward. Give it to others like us who struggle week in and week out. You’ll never know what that extra $10 dollars will mean to someone who is trying to decide which bills to pay, which to let be late, and how much money they need to buy bread and milk that week.
Live to serve
As a Christian, I’ve always felt that it was my responsibility to help those in need, but also to serve others in any capacity. It doesn’t have to be full on service! Simply taking a meal to a new mom or cleaning a Sunday School class is serving. But I want to do more than just that. In college, I helped with the Remote Area Medical which provides free health care to those who otherwise don’t have access. I want to get involved with them again. It was such rewarding work!
Take a family vacation every year
In the ten years we’ve been married, I can count on one hand how many vacations we’ve had and only one since my son was born! I want to change this. Getting away from the house is important and I think vacations together is even more important. Where should we go this year?
Habitat for Humanity
Going back to the “live to serve” thing, I love this organization! My husband was involved in college and we’d both like to get involved again. It doesn’t take much of your time. Anyone can swing a hammer or paint. And you are helping build a home for someone that doesn’t have one.
Run a 5k
This has been a goal of mine since last year and friends I have every intention of completing it!
Reach my goal weight
I’m roughly 60 pounds from my goal weight and I plan to not only reach it but maintain it during my 30s.
Get crafty
I love anything DIY! I love to crochet, scrapbook, etc. AND Pinterest just gives me even more ideas. I’d like to have a room or nook designated for just crafts and donate them for charity sells and the such.
Publish a book
I could probably do this right now if I wanted too. I have two books that I wrote in my twenties finished. One of them has four different endings though and neither have been professionally edited. My problem is that I’m a chicken! I’m terrified to hit that publish button. But in the next few years, maybe even this fall I plan to do it. If no one reads it, oh well! At least I can say I did it and I’ll never have to wonder “what if.”
Read at least 100 new-to-me books every year
This is a goal I started last year and I plan to continue it. Discovering new authors and new stories is a wonderful part of being a reader and I cannot wait to discover more each and every year!
Read the classics…again
I’m a huge fan of the classics (Jane Austen, Dante, the Brontë sisters, etc) and it’s been a while since I read any of them. I think it’s time to revisit them and remind myself why I love reading!
Continue blogging
Two years ago when my husband said I should start a blog, I rolled my eyes. I really knew nothing about blogging and couldn’t have cared less. BUT once I got started, this blog has become like another child! I love it. I love meeting new people, getting to know some authors, and of course the books! I want to continue this blog for as long as I have readers.
Start a garden
Growing up, my grandparents kept a small garden and I liked helping them shuck corn, string and break beans, etc. Once we have our own place, I’d love to start my own. I’d like to grow just enough stuff to sustain us, plus my husband loves fresh veggies!
Do one thing every day that scares me
This is a play on an Eleanor Roosevelt quote but it’s great advice. What things make your heart pound? Do one every day until you’re no longer to scared. For me, public speaking, being the center of attention, etc. So even if it’s not every day, I’d like to make it a habit!
Visit every state in the continental US
A few weeks ago on Facebook, a website went around where you could map the states you’ve visited. I’ve been to a whopping 7 states and all of them in the South. In fact, where we live now is the furtherest north I’ve ever been. So when we start these family vacations I’d like to visit all 48 continental states, if we can squeeze Alaska and Hawaii in that I’m all for that too! I’m thinking a tour of colonial New England, a drive up the coastal highway, maybe a road trip on Route 66…
Fly in an airplane
The idea of flying TERRIFIES ME!!!! BUT I also know that it is the easiest way to travel. Sometime in my 30s (possibly with a lot of Xanax in my system) I’d like to fly.
Visit another country
This one ties into the previous. I’d love to visit Europe, specifically England or Greece. This may be one of those trips that has to wait til the next decade though.
Try new food….and LIKE it
I have a confession….I eat like 5 things and that’s it. Seriously, let me list them: chicken, potatoes, peas, corns, pinto beans, and bread….so 6 things and that is it. I’ve always been a super picky eater but honestly it’s boring and my poor husband is getting tired of our limited restaurants. I want, no NEED, to add some new foods to my diet.
Plan for retirement
So technically I don’t work so I don’t have a retirement but my husband will. Once we do our debt snowball, retirement is the first thing on our list. I’d love it if we could figure out a way to let him retire early!
Learn to say NO
I’m a people pleaser. When someone asks me to do something, I typically say yes, unless I’m already obligated elsewhere. This makes for a very unhappy person. I need to learn my limits, learn that it is okay to say no sometimes and that I cannot please everyone.
Stop comparing
We all do it. So and so has this in their house or so and so’s kid can do this. Who cares?! I need to stop comparing what I have, what I can do, what I want to do with those around me and friends FACEBOOK is the worst instigator for this.
Have a library
Umm…hello?! What book blogger DOESN’T want this?! Once we have a house, I plan to start buying real books again, not the ebooks on my kindle. What do y’all think?
Have an adventure
I want to have a blast in my 30s and do things outside of my comfort zone. I want to see the world and do things I’ve never done. Travel Route 66, skydive, zip line, bungee jump…..who’s with me?
Take a cruise
Can you tell travel is a priority for my 30s? I’ve never been on a cruise and pricing them I’m not sure why. I want to take a cruise with my husband in the next few years. Have the honeymoon we didn’t have 10 years ago. I’d love to do a Mediterranean cruise or a cruise in the Gulf.
See a Broadway play
I love the arts! And as far as bucket lists goes, this one is towards the top. I’d love to see a play on Broadway, ANY play. Of course that would involve a trip to NYC and knock off a state on the list so I’m cool with that.
Take up a new hobby
Yoga, pilates, some type of craft….I don’t care what, just something new. My son will be starting kindergarten in the fall and if I’m going to continue to stay at home with him I will need something to occupy my time!
Enjoy life
My 20s had some highs and some lows. In the last few years we’ve had a lot of lows and if I’m being honest, I’ve not enjoyed life like I should. It’s a chore. I want to get back my optimism and love of life. So attitude change is a coming!
Grow in faith
This is the most important one on my list. As a Christian I want to continually grow in my faith, learn more about God, and pray without ceasing. I want my son to look at me and see Christ working in me. I can’t do that without continuing to grow.
This is such an awesome idea! I think it’s good to take a moment and think about what we want to do with our life. These are all great goals and I hope you will manage to do all of these in your thirties. Learning to say no is a good one and so difficult to do. I am terrified of airplanes and have a fear of heights, I think it’s brave you want to actually get into an airplane, as I still can’t convince myself to do that. And happy belated brithday!
Lola recently posted…Review: By Book or By Crook by Eva Gates
Belated Happy Birthday, Lillian <3 I hope you did something lovely to celebrate. The world is still your oyster! Awesome list, and I hope you manage to work your way through it, and feel a real sense of achievement at the end. You should definitely publish that book!! I can relate to the scary feeling, because I felt like that for years before I took the plunge. I wish I hadn't waited so long, so, as Four would say, "be brave" and go for it. I'll help wherever I can – all you need to do is ask 🙂