Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. They’d love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
This week’s topic is “Ten Characters Everyone Loves But I Just Don’t Get or Ten Characters I LOVE But Others Seem To Dislike” and honestly it’s a fun one! I decided to discuss the characters I just don’t get. There’s a lot of love out there in mainstream/popular fiction and some of them I just don’t understand why. Like how could you ever like some of the characters below?! Honestly, I’m a bit scared to share these as I believe I’ll get some hate 😉 As always this list is in no particular order and books link to Amazon (affiliate).
Top Ten Beloved Characters I Dislike
Jacob Black from the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer
Of all the characters in this list, I dislike Jacob the most. Yes he brought levity to the series, but honestly he was so whiny!!! He loved Bella, he wanted her for himself, he hated the vampires, etc. But the thing that I really hated was the whole mate thing and being in love with Bella and then mating to her infant daughter. EWWWWW!!!! Who does that?! I know it can’t be helped but seriously, GROSS!
Gale from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Let’s face it….if my best friend looked like Liam Hemsworth, I’d have never picked the other guy. BUT let’s take a look at the Gale in the books, not the movies. Gale is Katniss’s best friend. She loves him as her best friend. She may have even had a crush on him at one point. BUT it wasn’t until she came back a victor that he started looking at her differently. Kissing her, etc. NOW he’s jealous. She’s got another guy, a good guy, another victor and doesn’t need Gale anymore. He is the unwanted angle in the love triangle.
Chaol from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
I know I’ll get hate mail for this one, but it’s true. I admittedly shipped him a bit at the beginning of the series, then his true colors shone through with his actions towards Celaena, especially when she found out his true identity. Sorry buddy, can’t forgive you for that!
Prince Maxon from the Selection series by Kiera Cass
I really didn’t care for him. I understand that the Selection was a process for him to find a wife. I get that. It was his one chance to find true love and he didn’t want to screw it up. BUT he messed up when he didn’t trust America enough to explain that. And the end of The One, seriously ticked me off! I’ll put it in spoilers for those that haven’t read it yet: View Spoiler »
Cress from the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Cress grew on me, I’ll admit that, but in the beginning she annoyed me. She was naive, scared of her own shadow and I did not like her match up with Thorne, like at all.
A from Every Day by David Levithan
The premise of A I really liked. It was interesting having this entity that basically woke up in a new body every morning. Definitely different, but A annoyed me! He/She (It would be better I guess) didn’t empathize with the girl he loved at all. No, in fact he gave her no choice in whether she should love him. When she needed time to process what was going on, he didn’t give it to her. Not cool! He basically wanted her to love him and look past the physical completely, no matter what body he showed up in Really the book was a (not very subtle) political statement, one I didn’t appreciate.
Jeb from the Splintered series by A.G. Howard
#TeamMorpheus all the way! I didn’t like Jeb, not from the moment I first met him. Probably because Alyssa, the main character, was so in love with him and he was oblivious to her. Then when he finally wises up to his feelings, I felt sorry for Alyssa. Jeb didn’t accept who she was at all. He wanted her to ignore a part of her and it actually caused a rip in her heart!!! If you really love her, you wouldn’t do this.
Nora Grey from Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
I barely made it through the entire book. Nora Grey was one of the most annoying characters I’ve ever read. She was whiny, entitled, and more concerned with a boy than her friend. Said boy turns out to be a fallen angel and she’s even more into him. I just don’t get it. He was mean to her, rude, a jerk yet she loved him?! Come on!!!!
Mather from Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch
Not to be confused with the Mather in Ice Like Fire, I loved him! In the first book of the series, Mather is the exiled king of Winter. He takes his role seriously, despite how he feels about Meira. He’s all about his duty to his kingdom, but I disliked the way he treated Meira, forcing her on Theron. Not cool!
Tris from Divergent by Veronica Roth
I really liked the series, don’t get me wrong. But I didn’t like Tris. She had a lot of growing to do in the books and she does that, but even in the end, I still didn’t care for her. I can’t even pin point a why. I just didn’t care for her.
Your turn!
What characters do you just not get that others liked? OR are there any characters you liked but others don’t?
I had a hard time with Tris too! The Divergent series just got worse for me. Also I agree with your thoughts on Gale from Hunger Games. And amen to Jacon from Twilight (one of many problematic characters in that series for me).
My TTT: (something different)
Thank you! Gale is dead to me!
Great Top Ten! 😀
giovanna recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday|March 8th, 2016.
Hahahaha, if my best friend looked like Liam Hemsworth, it would definitely be hard to look at Peeta, too :p Great list!!
Allyson recently posted…Upcoming Releases: March 8th
Some of these are making me flinch and a few I can agree on! LOL! It’s funny since I liked Jeb more than Morpheus, but I had some issues with the love interests situation with that series!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Jessica @ a GREAT read recently posted…Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays
I totally agree with you on Chaol and Gale. Ugh! Gale was dry as toast in the books, and Chaol turned into a bastard. I’m so angry at what happened to his character. However, I liked Jeb, though you bring up good points about him. I guess ’cause Morpheus annoyed me in the first two books. It wasn’t until Ensnared where I really began to like him.
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Five Characters Everyone Loves But I Just Donât Get & Five Characters I LOVE But Others Seem To Dislike
Gale, Chaol and Tris were all on my list this week too.
JJ recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #47
I like Gale. I don’t think it was a matter of not liking her in the beginning. I took it as theey have always been friends and he took it as a given that they’d end together.
I didn’t read the Twilight books. I don’t think I ever got pass page 50. Bella was waaayyyy to annoying. I have watched the movies and while Jacob was a little whiney, I liked him. I think the mating thing was weird that it was a baby.
I’m with you on Tris. I think it’s because she not a humble character from the beginning she is a selfish person. That’s why she chose to go to the Dauntless faction.