New Year New Me in 2019

Posted January 6, 2019 by Lillian in Features / 7 Comments

Happy New Year y’all…a little late 😉 I can’t say I’m sorry to see 2018 go. It was a rough year. I feel like several years passed instead of just one, and I have the new gray hairs to prove it. We started 2018 with such hope and promise and ended it on a bitter note. Failed fertility treatments, my husband’s seizure, a new puppy (because who knew how crazy life would get), a $70k+ payout to my husband’s work over the mistake they made, my husband not being allowed to drive for 6 months as a result of the seizure, a colicky dog, and then to end the year my son had a seizure too. Y’all if I never have to call 911 again, it’ll be too soon. Despite all this craziness, I’m hoping and praying for a better 2019, and also trying to get back to my look-on-the-bright-side self.

For the last four years, I’ve shared my New Year’s Resolutions with you all, and I’d like to continue that tradition. So here are my resolutions for 2019. Again I’ve split them into three categories: Bookish, Blogging, and Personal.

Bookish Resolutions

1. Read 100 books in 2019.

In 2018, I didn’t break 100 books on my Goodreads challenge. For the first time since I started blogging, I failed my Goodreads goal 😫 So this year, I don’t care if it’s rereads or new books, I’m reading 100 books!

2. Make at least half of my reads in 2019 books from my TBR shelf.

I’ve joined the #beatthebacklist reading challenge this year and have every intention of reading lots of my backlist, orphaned, TBR pile books. Every year I say I’m going to do this, and every year I don’t. 2019 will be known as the TBR year.

3. Read past due ARCs.

Every year this is on my resolution list, and every year I fail it. I do read my past due ARCs, but I’ve yet to catch up. My goal is to catch up this year and wipe my ARCs clean. I have banned myself from Netgalley until I’ve caught up. That’s a pretty good incentive, right?!

Blogging Resolutions

4. Write reviews as I finish the book.

I’m terrible at writing reviews. I sit down once or twice a week and do it. It doesn’t help that I’ll finish books (most of the time) late at night while in bed. As a result, I have *cough* 20ish *cough* reviews to write 🤦🏼‍♀️ My goal this year is to stay on top of my reviews AND complete the ones I’ve not done yet.

5. Post at least 5x a week.

So the last few years I’ve challenged myself to blog daily. I’d like to continue that challenge, however there are times where blogging becomes a chore and I need a break. SO with that in mind I’d like to at least blog 5 days a week. Now that I have a partner I’m hoping that won’t be an issue 😀

6. Blog AHEAD.

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that if you want to be successful at blogging, you keep posts on the back burner. AKA you have posts ready to go live on those days that you don’t have time to do what’s scheduled. Last year I used all mine and then took the entire summer off. I don’t want to do that this year. I’d like to get a week or more ahead all the time AND have filler posts ready. Any tips to do this are appreciated!

7. Complete my Reading Challenge goals and be social 😀

Since I started participating in reading challenges, I’ve yet to complete them all. My goal this year is to meet my goals and complete the challenges all while participating in the mini-challenges and visiting other participants blogs.

Personal Goals

8. Live in the moments.

As I’ve already stated, 2018 was a rough year. It was hard to appreciate the little moments, the happy moments with so much bad going on. It didn’t help that social media was SO negative and full of politics again as it was mid-term elections. This year I’m doing something to help me remember the good at the end of the year. It’s something our former pastor told us about last year but we didn’t do. It’s a memory box, with 4×6 notecards. Every day (and sometimes multiple times a day) take a card, write the date, and the thing you want to remember on it. On the last day of the year, read through all the cards. Focus on the positive, that’s my goal for this year.

9. Read through the Bible.

I got about halfway through last year, my goal is to finish this year 😀

10. Be Happy.

I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

Your Turn! What are your resolutions for 2019? Any tips on completing mine? Share below ♥️

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7 responses to “New Year New Me in 2019

  1. I am trying to focus on my past due ARCs as well this year… I have them dating back a few years and I’d really like to clear some room for newer books! I’m also focusing on being social more as well… working on commenting on others’ blogs and interacting more on social media. I need some more friends!
    I’m sorry 2018 was so rough and hope that things are much smoother for you in 2019! Especially with your husband’s and son’s health!!
    Michelle @ Life Among the Pages recently posted…My Week in Review 2019 #1

  2. Happy New Year. I don’t really do resolutions but I do reassess my goals, which is usually the same, as far as blogging it is getting more organized. I came closer last year and it was a rough year, so I know I can do better. I also want to get in better shape, with some travel thrown in.
    sherry fundin recently posted…Sherry’s Shelves #178

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