TTT #157 – Books on my Spring TBR

Posted March 19, 2019 by Lillian in Features / 4 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together

Happy Tuesday y’all! I’m a little late getting today’s post up, but I didn’t want to miss this week’s topic: “Books On My Spring 2019 TBR.” I love looking at everyone’s TBR list, whether you are listing upcoming releases or older books you haven’t gotten to yet, it’s always fun. AND it always adds to my own TBR list. This week I’m listing the upcoming Spring releases that I have on my TBR, listed by release date. As always, covers/titles link to Blog/Goodreads/Amazon(aff).

My Spring 2019 TBR List

Sherwood by Meagan Spooner (3/19): I listed this book on my most anticipated books for the year. It came out this morning and I cannot wait to get my copy. I loved Spooner’s Hunted, her own take on Beauty and the Beast. I think I’m more excited about her take on Robin Hood as a result.

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell (3/26): I cannot wait to dive into this beast of a book. It is a space opera/sci-fi retelling of Les Misérables. That alone had me adding it to my TBR. I don’t need to know anything else about the book 😉

Trap by Scarlett Dawn (3/29): I have been not-so-patiently waiting for this book for two years. I cannot wait to continue the Origin series. Each book is a standalone, paranormal romance but it also builds on the previous books to tell a larger series plot. I’m loving the series, and excited for Wolfe’s story.

The Scorpion’s Lullaby by Juliet Vane (4/16): The cover of this book caught my attention before I knew anything else about it (yes, I’m a cover snob 🙄). But that blurb?! Y’all I’ve preordered it, one-clicked this sucker. I’ve never read the author before, but I’m all about mysterious, new lands and dragon-sized scorpions.

War by Laura Thalassa (late April/early May): Oh y’all!!!! I would never have thought I’d enjoy a romance series about the four horsemen of the apocalypse, but Thalassa proved me wrong as she usually does 😉 The first book of the series was Pestilence, and the author made me love and swoon over disease SO I have high hopes for War.

Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard (5/7): Even though I haven’t read War Storm yet, I cannot wait for this book. I’ve heard mixed reviews about the end of the series, and this books has a short story set a few months after the events in the last book. I’m planning to binge the series once it is out.

Romanov by Nadine Brandes (5/7): I have always been fascinated by the last ruling family of Russia, more specifically the daughter Anastasia, the one who has all the folklore and myth surrounding her. This book caught my attention because of the name only. I loved the blurb though. I’m excited to explore the author’s version of this tale.

Finale by Stephanie Garber (5/7): I have been waiting for this book since I read Caraval two years ago. This series is everything I love about fantasy rolled into one package. And the writing is superb, the imagery vivid, and the characters unforgettable! I want and don’t want it to end 😀

Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman (5/7): I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t read this sci-fi writing duo yet. I own The Illuminae Files so it’s also on my TBR, but I cannot wait to read this one. Why? Because of this line from the blurb: “They’re not the heroes we deserve. They’re just the ones we could find. Nobody panic.” Epic, right?!

Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly (5/14): This looks deceptively dark and twisted to me. It’s the original story of Cinderella told from the ugly stepsister’s POV. I’m itching to get my hands on it. I’m curious to see if it will be as dark as I expect or if the character will have some redemptive qualities.

Your Turn! What books are on your Spring TBR list? 💋

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