Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together
Happy Tuesday y’all! This week’s topic is “Bookish People I’d Like to Meet.” I’m super introverted so this is more like in a dream world I’d want to meet this people 😅 Most of the peeps on this list are people I already talk to regularly, but have never had the chance to hang out in person. As always, these are in no particular order, and I’ll link to their respective blogs. Go show them some love today 💗

Michelle and Berls @ Because Reading
I have known these two for almost as long as I’ve been blogging. They are the hosts and brains behind the #COYER challenge, and I’m thankful to call them both friends. Good things did come out of 2020, and this friendship is one of them 🥰
Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter
Another friendship that blossomed because of 2020 and COYER. I’m so thankful for our book chats and life chats. One of these days we will all get together 😀
Lenore @ Celebrity Readers
I have known Lenore and her blogging partner since I started blogging. I followed them for a long time before one of us reached out to the other. She is one of my favorites to buddy read with and chat about life. Maybe one of these days we can meet in person….but I’ll be content with our reading chats: currently reading The Renaissance of Gwen Hathaway.
Anne @ Books of My Heart
I have known Anne for several years, but it wasn’t until last year that I got to know her in a more personal way. She’s the host of the year long read-a-longs (this year’s is The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne), and she has kept me on track reading wise. I look forward to our discussions about the books. She always brings something new that I didn’t notice. I appreciate her more than she knows 😀
A few others I’d like to meet in person with no real reason other than I want too 😉
- Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms
- Lisa @ Lisa Loves Literature
- Jessica @ a GREAT read
- Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer
- Sherry @ fundinmental
Your Turn! Who would you like to meet IRL? Share below
I hope you get to meet all of them someday!
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People I’d Like To Meet
You are so right in wanting to meet Lenore! I have had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she is as amazing as you would expect. I’m really hoping to get to see her again in the next year or two at a singing. She is so friendly and nice.
Ah what a lovely way to use this week’s post! I hope you get to meet these people IRL at some point 🙂
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #410
Love when there are post shout-outs to bloggers!! I hope you get to meet them someday!
My Top Ten!
Leslie @ Books Are The New Black recently posted…Review: The Faithless by C.L. Clark
EEP! I would love to meet pretty much every blogger I’ve ever interacted with in real life (including you too!!)! I’ve been able to do so a few times over the years! Depending on the location/event I’ve run into a bit of them over the years and have made new friends doing the same!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
These shout-outs are wonderful! Considering how long I’ve been blogging about books, it’s amazing I haven’t heard of more of these blogs. I’ll have to go check them out. It’s always fun to find new ones to love 🙂
Happy TTT!
Ahhh! I just saw you included me! I would love to meet you too! I love meeting my fellow book bloggers. Haven’t had the chance to do that too often, although I did meet a few at Apollycon in 2017 I think. There are a few others on your list I’d like to meet as well! Fun way to interpret this topic!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…L-L-L-Little Reviews #48: March 2023