Refresh on how it works this year….
Anyone else feeling a bit tired? Like 2023, good or bad, has taken all your energy? Maybe you feel a little anxious about the year ahead? If no, you’re probably already a master of self-care… but for the rest of us (your COYER hosts Berls, Michelle, Lillian and Stephanie included) it’s time to slow down and spend some time on self-care! Which is why COYER 2024 invites you to join us in committing to UNWIND in whatever way you choose – including enjoying some great books and an even more supportive community.
This year COYER will continue to be a 2 part challenge – a reading challenge and a community challenge – and, as always, the amount you do is 100% up to you. Do one challenge, do both, be all in, pick your favorite parts and ignore the rest – it’s a choose your own adventure, especially this year as we focus on self-care!
The Winner for Chapter 2 is….

443. Sophia Rose – Disguise of the Worst Sort
Michelle will be in touch via email to send you your gift card! Congrats!
Chapter 3: Summer Rules from July to September
Like traditional COYER Summer it’s time to relax the rules all the way. Your rules for the Summer (beginning July 1) will be:
- Format doesn’t matter anymore. You can still read your eBooks and Audiobooks, but now you can also read physical books.
- Price doesn’t matter anymore. They can be free, they can be $50. They can be Kindle Unlimited, borrowed, etc.
- Announce your participation! This can be a blog post (or if you don’t have a blog – Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Hive, Instagram, TikTok, Goodreads, etc) If you want to list books you would like to read, that’s great, but not necessary. The point is to let everyone know you’re committed to COYER Summer, maybe share some goals, and help spread the word. Not sure how to do your post? Check out this example from a previous COYER.
- Link up! Link that post (not just your blog homepage) to the linky Michelle will share June 23rd.
- Review & Link Reviews! Your review may be on your blog, Goodreads, etc. Link the review to the Review Linky (the same linky as Winter and Spring, but Michelle will start pulling winners after Spring reviews). When you post your review to the linky use the following format: Your Name @ Blog (if applicable): Book Title (e.g., “Michelle @ Because Reading: Twilight”).
- Follow & share reviews on Social Media. Use #COYER on your posts and look for posts with the hashtag.
- Visit Each Other, Chat & Have Fun!
Michelle will post the Summer winner and sign up for Fall on September 18th. Be sure to have your reviews on the linky by 12 noon EST September 17th for them to be included in the Summer drawing. Any reviews entered after 12 noon September 17th will go to the Fall drawing. Keep following Summer rules through the end of September. Fall Rules will begin October 1.
Your turn! Are you joining us for Summer? What do you plan to read? Share below
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