Happy Saturday y’all! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything. My last post was my sign-up post for March’s #SIAM challenge. I did, in fact, complete the challenge and finish the series that I chose in March, I just never got around to posting anything 🫣 So, I figured I needed to fix that before I signed up for June’s series in a month challenge 😅 The series I chose in March was Marie Lu‘s Legend series which included the original trilogy and the fourth book which was added a few years ago and set ten years after the original trilogy. If you are a fan of YA dystopia with a ton of adventure and a touch of romance, I highly recommend it.

“Legend doesn’t merely survive the hype, it deserves it.”
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Young Elites
What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic’s wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic’s highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country’s most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.
From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths – until the day June’s brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family’s survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias’s death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.
Full of nonstop action, suspense, and romance, this novel is sure to move readers as much as it thrills.
The Legend series by Marie Lu is a fast-paced, addictive read about two young people from completely opposite lives who come together to change the corrupt system that raised them. To say I devoured this series is an understatement. I read all four books over about ten days. I was obsessed with June and Day, the government system, and the world in which they lived. I’ll break down each book below.
Legend : This first book is so good. I really enjoyed the dynamic between June and Day. They are complete opposites. June is from a wealthy sector, the youngest to ever graduate the military college, and sees the world differently than others. Day is a rebel who survived the government’s experiments. He lives on the streets and causes chaos when he can. The main conflict of this book revolves around the death of June’s brother. Day is implicated as the murderer, but June quickly discovers a cover-up and framing of Day which sends her world into a tailspin. The mystery and budding romance between June and Day drive the story to its climax, and if their story ended here, it would have been just as good as continuing it.
Prodigy : The second book picks up almost right where the first left off. June and Day are on the run, and what little trust they have gained is shattered. June doesn’t know where to turn, and Day is deep in grief. Together they are on a mission to save Day’s youngest brother and the only surviving member of his family. I’ll be honest, of the entire series, this is my least favorite book. It is also the most-YA of the four. June and Day suffer from lack of communication and self-inflicted isolation. Despite this, I still found their story intriguing and heart-breaking. This one is heavy emotionally and sets the tone for the final book.
Champion : In the final book of the original trilogy, Day and June have gone their separate ways. Day has been reunited with his brother Eden, who aside from being mostly blind is healed from the plague. Day, however, is dying or at least that’s what he’s been told from what the doctors did to him. Because of this, he ends his relationship with June pushing her towards the role of Princeps-Elect. But the country is fragile and on the brink of war. This book contained a lot of heart-break, but also the fast-paced nature of the first book. I loved seeing how the overreaching series plot came together. June and Day’s conclusion was the only thing left up in the air, and I’m so glad the author addressed it in her latest book.
Rebel : This was my favorite book of the series. It is set ten years after the events of Champion. Day, who now goes by Daniel, is living in Ross City, Antartica with his brother Eden. Eden is finishing up schooling here and hoping to get an internship back in the Republic. Daniel is working as an intelligence officer for the Antartican government. Life for them is very different than how they grew up. Daniel’s memories are murky, and he has purposely given up everything to protect Eden, including June. When Eden gets mixed into case in the undercity, Daniel can’t save him on his own, he’ll need June’s help. The adventure and action is at an all-time high in this one. If you are hoping for romance, there is a tiny bit, but it is more focused on the brothers, their relationship, and what is happening in the city they found home in.
Overall, the Legend series is a fun, fast-paced adventure. I loved the world-building, political intrigue, and the lives of the characters. Eden’s story is one of my favorites, and I loved how the author decided June and Day’s story wasn’t finished after all. If you are fan of YA dystopia, I highly recommend it.
Robin enjoys all these books too. I’d like to read them one day.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
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It’s a good series. More YA than I usually read but that just meant I could recommend it to my niece who has become quite the reader over the last few years.
I loved Legend and really need to finish this series. Great reviews!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Blog Tour: Stars in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager
It’s such a good series! I hate that I put it off for so long.