May’s 2016 Clean-Sweep ARC Challenge Accepted

Posted April 28, 2016 by Lillian in Challenges / 2 Comments

The ARC (advanced review copy) also known as my guilty pleasure has become my main source of reading since becoming a blogger in 2014. However life sometimes gets in the way as it did last year. With our miscarriage and then the unexpected loss of my Papaw, I didn’t do much reading and reviewing. Don’t get me wrong there were times that I reviewed a lot and didn’t feel like reading and other times that I disappeared into the literary world and couldn’t bring myself to write. Needless to say 2015 was a bad year, leaving me with 56 ARC books on my Kindle and a few physical copies as well.

Last year I participated in the Clean-Sweep ARC Challenge and while I didn’t meet my goal of 20 books, I did manage to read 18. So I was excited to see that the challenge is back for 2016!

Clean Sweep ARC Challenhe

The May’s 2016 Clean Sweep ARC Challenge hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Kristin @ Addicted to Happily Ever After starts on May 1st and ends at midnight on May 31st. This challenge is about cleaning off your ARC pile and I plan to do just that!

The Rules

  • Link-up and add button to your blog
  • ARC’s must be read between May 1st, 2016 and May 31st, 2016
  • Challenge starts and ends at midnight in your local time zone
  • All ARCS/finished copies that were provided by publisher/author are eligible. They can be in any format (eBook, physical, audio)
  • Post start-up post with goals (can be posted at start event) Be sure to link back to hosts.
  • You do not have to post review on blog during the month of May. Just give a link to Goodreads showing read May 1 to 31st with a two sentence review. Please friend us on Goodreads, so we can see your shelves: Kimba and Kristin

My Goals

My goal is to attempt to read 20 ARCs already on my pile AND prep/post reviews to the blog. Now this is a big goal and to be honest I’ll be happy with just getting 10 posts ready. My family and I are moving at the end of June so I’m looking to get some posts scheduled and ready for the weeks I’ll be without internet access (aside from my phone). Here are a few of the books I’m planning to read:

Book Cover for "The Hunt" by Megan Shepherd
Book Cover for "The Crown's Game" by Evelyn Skye

To join me on this challenge, sign up here. Follow my progress on Goodreads or below:

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge 2016: 0/20


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