Down The TBR Hole is a meme originally created by Lia @ Lost in a Story that revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sort through it all to know what’s actually on there. Lia is no longer blogging, so Jody @ I’m Into Books has taken over. Be sure to join the linky on her site!
Happy Saturday y’all! I’m back and ready to continue my journey down the TBR hole today. As of writing this post, my current Goodreads TBR shelf has 287 books on it; my physical shelf, my ARC shelf, and Kindle TBR shelf have more than I care to share at this time (mainly because I don’t want to count them). Want to join me?
It works like this:
- Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly (or monthly like me), you start where you left off the last time.
- Read the blurbs of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
I will only being doing this once a month, typically the first Saturday. And I’m probably going to do 10 or more each time. I’m starting with my Goodreads TBR. I’d like to leave only books I plan to read on there and remove all the others. I started this journey on a TTT post. You can follow the journey here: Down the TBR Hole.
The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth
I really enjoyed the first book in this sci-fi duology. It’s reminiscent of Star Wars which you all know I love. I own it, I’m not really sure why it’s still sitting on my shelf unread….I think I’ll move this one up and get to it asap.
Verdict: STAYS
I devoured the first book in this series while we were on vacation a few years ago…literally 😂 I read the whole thing sitting by the pool in one day. My skin was lobster red by the time I finished, but I couldn’t have cared less. This is my kind of dystopian fantasy. Why I never read book two is beyond me. Like the last book on this list, I own it so I think it is past time for me to read it. Don’t you 😉
Verdict: STAYS
Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
This one made its way onto my list after my husband read it and insisted I did too….well I still haven’t. As much as I love Star Wars, I struggle reading the books. I’m always looking for my favorite characters: Luke, Leia, Chewie, Han; and they aren’t there. So then I’m disappointed. Maybe one day….
Verdict: GOES
The Frozen Queen: Reluctant Heir by Bekah Clark
I’m all for an indie fantasy adventure with a dash of romance. That is right up my alley. Not sure how this one wound up on my radar or on my TBR. I don’t remember adding it. That being said, it looks and sounds good. However, as I can’t remember why I wanted to read it in the first place, I think it has to go….
Verdict: GOES
Wolf’s Head by Steven A. McKay
Like the last one I don’t remember this one, however I can tell you it was most likely added because it is a retelling of Robin Hood, one of my favorites. Despite this, I don’t think I’ll keep it as it is not my kind of read. At least that’s my opinion after reading some reviews. I will say if you enjoy historical adventures, specifically medieval in setting, it is in KU if you are interested 😉
Verdict: GOES
The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris
I read to escape real life, that means a majority of what I read is either science fiction or fantasy. However, I do have a soft spot for historical fiction. This is based on a true story about two survivors of the Holocaust. While I’m not sure I’ll read this, I’m intrigued enough to keep it listed.
Verdict: STAYS
I found a copy of this book at my local bookstore on the clearance rack. I really enjoyed the show The 100 (still need to read the books), and as I’m a sucker for all things sci-fi, I grabbed the copy. Now I just need to make time to read it.
Verdict: STAYS
Crowned With Guilt by S.K. Rose
I don’t remember adding this one to my TBR, however reading the blurb I can see why I did. Super intrigued. However, remember how I said I read to escape real life? Yeah, this book would depress me. Not saying it isn’t good and others wouldn’t enjoy, it’s just not for me.
Verdict: GOES
My sweet hubby got this one for me as a gift a few years ago. He thought it looked like something I would enjoy. He’s right. I’m a total cover snob 😂 That being said, I also love fantasy and any mention of dragons has me grabbing a copy for my shelves.
Verdict: STAYS
The Light Between Worlds by Laura E. Weymouth
Narnia is one of my all-time favorite series. I read it for the first time when I was 11, and I have read it countless times since. The idea of following the characters after they’ve returned to the real world intrigued me. However, it’s the fantasy and magic of Narnia that has me returning to it time and again. So I’m hesitantly letting this one go.
Verdict: GOES
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria
Another gift from my hubby. He’s going to stop buying me books if I don’t start reading them soon 😅 He was right to gift this one to me. I love the cover and it is my kind of fantasy, dark and twisty.
Verdict: STAYS
Every Breath by Nicholas Sparks
At one time, Sparks was an auto-buy author for me. That said, he’s always been one that I have to be in the mood to read (i.e. in the mood to cry while reading 😂). I’ll keep this one in my TBR because one of these days I will want to read it…just not right now.
Verdict: STAYS
I’m intrigued 😀 I own this one, but I don’t remember buying it or adding it to my TBR. Not sure what that says about my memory or my buying habits 😅 But DRAGONS!
Verdict: STAYS
The Dream Keeper by Amber R. Duell
First off, this book is gorgeous! I love the blurb too. Sounds so dark and twisty. Definitely my kind of read! Bumping this one up on my TBR. Have any of you read it?
Verdict: STAYS
While this one sounds like an exciting historical fiction read, I’m not feeling it. Maybe if I remembered to read it when it first came out I’d be more excited about it. As it is, I’m ambivalent.
Verdict: GOES
The Running Tally
Books Removed
Books Kept
Total on TBR
Your Turn! Any books I should move to the top of my list? Any I didn’t keep you think I should? Share below
Ooooo! I admire your ability to get rid of books (lol). I tend to make excuses for them and there is a lot of “maybe I can get into it more next year….” The historical fiction books you reviewed all sounded interesting, and I heard good things about “All is Fair” so I am bummed to hear it’s a “Meh” read! My favorite historical fiction read of 2022 (hands down) has been “Daughters of Teutobod” by Kurt Hansen. I love inspirational women’s fiction and family sagas always keep me hooked so this was a win-win. The book focuses on three women, living in vastly different times and places, who are united by the nature of the difficulties they faced and how they persevered. This book (surprisingly) brought up a lot of emotion within and was beautifully written. I think it should be on a future list! Hope you will check it out and happy reading!
Damsel was a good one, very unique! You are doing great with this challenge! I still need to read the new Veronica Roth series myself.
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