Merry Mondays is a weekly meme hosted here @ Mom With a Reading Problem during the month of December to celebrate Christmas and the holiday season. Each week a different topic centered around the holidays will be discussed.
This week’s topic is “Fall’s Can’t Wait for Reads,” and there are some great books coming this Fall. I did a list a few weeks back about the top ten books I was looking forward to in the last half of 2016 and almost all of them fell in September. Here are five next in series books I cannot wait to get my hands on this Fall.
Top 5 Next in Series Books Coming this Fall
Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch (Release Sept. 20): I loved Snow Like Ashes and I wasn’t a big fan of Ice Like Fire, but that ending….ugh!!!! THAT ENDING!!!! I was thrown for such a loop and then it was a cliffhanger and I’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for the final book in the series. AND it’s almost here. Three more months *chants*
The Midnight Star by Marie Lu (Release Oct. 11): The conclusion to The Young Elites series and I cannot explain how excited I am for it. Adelina is one of those characters that even though it’s been a year since I read the last book, I find myself thinking about her and wondering just how dark her character will become. She’s already pretty dark, but I have a feeling Lu is going to give us nightmares. Bring it on!!!
Twisted Palace by Erin Watt (Release Oct. 16): Ummm….I know that Broken Prince just came out (like last Monday) but it was fantastic and that cliffhanger?!?!?! I need this book like yesterday!!! I’m not one to usually like contemporary young adult, but this series is an exception. It’s addictive, a little shocking, and wholly entertaining while making you reach for your tissues or a book to throw. I need to know what happens next to the Royals.
A Million Worlds with You by Claudia Gray (Release Nov. 1): I adore this series and I’m so sad to see it come to an end. BUT at the same time I need it. The last book’s cliffhanger destroyed me. I had a book hangover for days and I need to know what will happen to Meg, Paul, and Theo.
The Queen by C.J. Abedi (Release Dec. 6): I have patiently been waiting for the conclusion to the Fae trilogy for two years now and there is finally a cover, a blurb, AND a date!!! I cannot wait to see what has happened to Caroline and if Devilyn and fight the darkness. I’m ecstatic and could seriously write an entire post on just this book 😀
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