TTT #178 – Reading Comfort Foods

Posted September 17, 2019 by Amanda in Features / 8 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together

When I think about really getting into a book, I think about a roaring fire, a snuggly blanket, and a little something to snack on. One of my best reading memories is JUST THAT. I read the Twilights series in just such a fashion. So when I curl up in the evenings with my book of choice, it’s always in an attempt to recreate this scenario. Here are my favorite snacky things, in no particular order. 

Top Ten Reading Comfort Foods and Drinks

Stash Chai White: I not only love the smell of chai, but I love the mild flavor of white tea. This reminds me of my woodstove-burning, blanket-snuggling reading experiences from a few years ago. And white tea is so good for you!

Dark Chocolate: So when I say “dark chocolate” I mean DARK. Like 75% cacao +. I like Green & Black’s organic 80% cacao. And I don’t eat a whole lot, just maybe six pieces at a time. And I also like dark-chocolate bark, like BarkThins, pretzel being my fave.

Red Wine: I had never been a huge fan of red wine until recently. But now I love it. I don’t know anything about Red Wine, so I just pick one that goes well with chocolate (I think I like Merlot). This is for when I really need to wind down as a read. Or if the book is stressing me out – because that’s definitely happened!  😉 

Coffee: If you’ve known me for five seconds, you know I pretty much live on coffee. To almost an unhealthy level. It’s a real treat for me to have some coffee when I read, but it’s one of my favorite things ever. I can’t drink a lot of it now, because of IBS, but I do still love a hot cuppa.

Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: It’s like Justin knew I would need these in my life and made them just for me. If you’ve never tried these, please stop reading this blog and go get some. Ya’ll. Life-changing. (Also, I can’t believe there’s a pb cup gif…..)

Ice Cream: This needs no explanation. I always eat dairy-free ice cream – and it’s absolutely delicious. I get nauseous if I even smell dairy ice cream. But that’s okay – more for ya’ll.

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Don’t judge me, but I always buy the frozen dough that’s already portioned out, then just bake and eat. Again – ya hafta be careful with the smudges – you don’t want to smudge chocolate onto your book. 😉 

Frozen mangoes: This one needs an explanation. When I was pregnant with my younger daughter (she’s the middle child, looks just like me, and is a royal turd sometimes) I craved frozen mangoes and ate them everyday. And I still love them. Freezing them makes them soft and yummy. You HAVE to try it. 

Grilled cheese: Since I’m lactose intolerant, I usually don’t get to make these for myself. But every now and then I’ll splurge on dairy-free cheese and make one of my all-time favorite things in the world. You just have to make sure you wipe your fingers – you don’t want bread crumbs or butter on your book’s pages! 

Parmesan Popcorn: So I always make popcorn from scratch, so I don’t get all the nasty processed butter product. I buy these red kernels from Amazon, scoop about 3 tablespoons of kernels into a paper bag, then pop them for just under two minutes in the microwave. I then add a tablespoon of olive oil and ¼ teaspoon of popcorn salt (just really fine salt) and two tablespoons of grated parmesan. It’s AMAZING. Seriously. And my gut doesn’t react to parmesan. Win-win, babe. 😉 

I hope you like my snack choices!! I would love to have you all over for a reading/snack party. We’d listen to my Ella Fitzgerald Pandora station, lounge in our jammies, read our books, light some pumpkin spice candles, pour some warm drinks, and eat all the snacky things. Let’s do it soon!!

Your Turn! What snacks do you enjoy while reading? Share below

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8 responses to “TTT #178 – Reading Comfort Foods

    • Amanda Lipscomb

      Actually me too…I was going to make spaghetti tonight…but it’s raining here…so maybe I need to make tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches….

  1. Oh yum!! Liking a lot of these as well! Though for me, chocolate chip cookies could be dangerous, as I load mine with chocolate chips when I make them. Chocolate chips will always be my must be homemade cookie…though I will do box mixes of other flavors, like Funetti–basically sugar sprinkle, pumpkin, maybe a double chocolate chip recipe as I have yet to perfect that one!

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂
    Jessica @ a GREAT read recently posted…Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

    • Amanda Lipscomb

      Our family favorites are molasses cookies and snickerdoodles. Ooooo lawd they good!! All christmas-spiced and stuff. 😋😋😋 Then pair that with a roaring fire, warm drink and an amazing book?? Stop it right now. 😍😍

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