Sunday Post #221 ~ Lazy Days of Summer

Posted July 10, 2022 by Lillian in Features / 5 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things you have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Sunday y’all! I had a lazy week this week, and I am not about to complain about it. Soon it will be time to start school with little man again and then it will be chaotically busy. It was TOO hot to go out and by the evening it was storming so I spent this week catching up on reviews (as of writing this post, I only have three left to write and will be 100% caught up 🙌) and reading. Y’all I raised my NetGalley percentage two points this week! I’m getting closer to my goal of being above 80%. Reading wise I read two arcs and listened to two audiobooks. I also DNFed one that just wasn’t working for me.

Next week is special for me. It will be our 16th wedding anniversary on Friday. Not planning to do anything special, but I am looking forward to spending some alone time with my hubby.

Currently Reading 📖

Currently Listening 🎧

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Up This Week

  • Sea Glass Summer by Miranda Liasson ~ review
  • Always Be My Duchess by Amalie Howard ~ review
  • WoW | What new releases are you waiting on this week?
  • American Royals III: Rivals by Katharine McGee ~ audio review
  • Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ~ audio review
  • The Blood of Stars by Elizabeth Lim ~ series review

This Week’s Book Fix

Just Like Magic by Sarah Hogle (eARC from NetGalley) | The Bodyguard by Katherine Center (BOTM)

Your Turn! What are you reading this week? Any fun summer plans? Share below

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