Merry Mondays #1 – Sing…Sing a Song…

Posted December 1, 2014 by Lillian in Merry Mondays / 5 Comments

Merry Mondays is a weekly meme hosted here @ Mom With a Reading Problem during the month of December to celebrate Christmas and the holiday season. Each week a different topic centered around the holidays will be discussed.

Welcome to the first ever Merry Mondays post 😀 I’m so excited to share this with all of you. It just so happens that I love the Christmas season. In fact, if I had it my way it would be Christmas year round. There’s just something magical about it. People are (usually) friendly and generous around the holidays, doing things that maybe they wouldn’t ordinarily do.

As this is the blog’s first year, the season is extra special as I feel blessed that my little ole blog has done so well. I wanted to share my holiday cheer with all of you. Hence the creation of Merry Mondays. If you couldn’t participate this week, no worries. There’s four more Mondays in the month, participate next week. And who said you have to post it on a Monday 😉 Post it whenever you like and link up back here. I can’t wait to read your posts 😀 Now without further ado….the first topic for Merry Mondays is “Favorite Holiday Song.”

Favorite Holiday Song

Each year I find myself listening (and singing) to Christmas music earlier and earlier. This year was no exception. In fact, I’ve been listening to Christmas music for about two weeks now and my son asks to dance to it. How can I tell him no 😉

One song in particular though I find myself singing year round. I first heard it in middle school choir. A fellow choir member sung it at our Christmas Concert and I’ve been in love with it ever since. Not only is it a powerful song that will raise the hair on the back of your neck, but it is also a reminder of the true reason we celebrate Christmas.

Mary Did You Know has even more meaning to me now that I’m a mother. I can only imagine the awe and surrealism that Mary must have felt when she realized her son was Christ our Savior and the miracles he would one day perform. I absolutely love this version by Pentatonix which came out this year. Pentatonix is an a cappella group that blows me away every time I hear one of their songs. Their Christmas album is no exception 🙂

Your Turn! What’s your favorite holiday song?

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5 responses to “Merry Mondays #1 – Sing…Sing a Song…

    • Ooo which one?! I remember getting up and going to the store super early in the morning to buy it before it sold out 😆 and yes I still listen to it 😉

      Thanks for following me! You just made my day!!

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