Hello Again….

Posted March 30, 2017 by Lillian in Features / 6 Comments

I’m back 😀 So I took a little hiatus that turned into almost two months. A lot of things have been going on. Originally this was not planned, but now I see that it was needed. Really I needed it. And here’s why (warning, apparently I had more to say then I thought when I started writing).

The second week of February the server that hosts my blog went down. I was in the middle of writing posts for the week and basically lost them. Not a big deal, it happens. Then my son got sick, then I got sick. Again, not a big deal. It happens. At least it shouldn’t have been a big deal. But then a person, an author I will not name, got mad and took to twitter about me. The tweets have since been removed, but the damage was done. This is a person I’ve worked closely with in the past, I’ve reviewed all the books this person has written to date, I’ve even hosted this person for interviews and participated in many tours and blitzes. This person and I even have a relationship through emails and social media, forwarding books back and forth to each other we think the other will enjoy. Then I missed a deadline, due to the server being down. I emailed said person prior to the deadline to let them know it was out of my control. I still posted reviews to Goodreads and Amazon, but apparently that wasn’t enough.

I have since blocked this person from all my social media accounts, removed the author from my blog. It hurts to do that as I enjoyed the books and the penpal type friendship we’d developed. My husband has always said I’m too trusting and in this case he was right.

Y’all know I don’t like drama, so to deal with this drama I put it to rest. I didn’t interact or engage and I don’t plan too. I’ve spent the last two months wondering why I blog and trying to get my reading juju back. Guys this took my juju. I couldn’t even reread a favorite because it wasn’t enjoyable. In the last two months I read a total of three books. That’s it! And it was torture to get through one (and guys it was a GOOD book!). Honestly I’ve had to reevaluate priorities and truly decide if I wanted to continue.

I have to put this out there. Authors, most of us bloggers are doing this for free. We make zero money and pour our own money into running a website and promoting your material. Why do we do this? I can’t speak for everyone but I do this because I enjoy reading. I enjoy escaping into fantastical worlds, falling in love with new characters, and finding a bit of the real world in between the pages. I blog so hidden gems of the indie world get a little more attention. I blog as a hobby. It’s not a job, though I could certainly make it one as many hours as I pour into this little website. So I stepped back the last two months, reevaluated, and now I’m back.

The last time I talked to y’all we were in the process of buying a house. Well, it’s bought and we moved in two weeks ago. Can I just say what a relief it is to no longer be renting? I no longer have to worry about my son being too loud and bothering the neighbors. I no longer have to worry about what time it is when I do my laundry or vacuum. I never realized how restricting it was living in such close proximity to other people. Here are a few pics of the new place:

I still have a lot left to do as far as unpacking and getting us settled. But I’m loving our little place. I’m loving the life we have carved out here and I love what I do: staying home with our son AND of course blogging. It may have taken me a few months to get back on track, but I am back with a slew of backlog reviews and books to read and share with all of you.

Now, tell me what I’ve missed these last few weeks. What books have you been reading? Seen any good movies? (Beauty and the Beast was perfection IMO) Share below because I’ve missed y’all

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6 responses to “Hello Again….

  1. Sorry to hear that you were ill – and even sorrier that an author you thought was a solid penpal turned on you. Congratulations on moving into your new home – and I know how thrilled I was when we managed to buy our own home, rather than rent. It’s a long time ago, now. But it’s an amazing feeling. Take care:).
    sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing

    • Thank you! We are loving the house. I don’t really know how to explain the freedom we’ve found having our own place. It’s little things that we didn’t even know we felt restricted on. Love it!

  2. Oh, Lillian, I’m so sorry. That is a deplorable way to treat anyone, especially a dedicated reader, fan, and promoter. I can’t imagine what was said or how it felt, but just reading it makes my gut twist. It wasn’t you. It was them. I am glad you took time for you to really investigate why you’re a blogger and SO glad you are now back. The house looks absolutely adorable! I hope you’ll share more when things are more settled.

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