Take Control of Your TBR Pile – March Challenge Accepted!

Posted February 24, 2016 by Lillian in Challenges / 0 Comments

Take Control of Your TBR Pile

Have I ever mentioned that I’m a bookaholic? I haven’t *heavy sarcasm* well let me just tell you all about it! Y’all I love books in any way, shape or form I can get them. This has become a massive problem as my TBR pile is now WAY more than I could ever handle. AND #COYER ends next week!!!! I haven’t made a single dent in this massive TBR pile of mine. Right now, I have 293 ebooks sitting on my Kindle (mostly one-click freebies/sales), too many ARCs to name AND this doesn’t include my physical TBR pile. Just ask my husband, I have two giant stacks sitting next to the couch….it’s driving him nuts!

So when I saw that Kimberly @ the Caffeinated Book Reviewer was hosting the Take Control of your TBR Pile Challenge in March I knew I needed to join. The challenge starts on March 1st at midnight and ends March 31st at 11:59pm.


  • Link-up! This is open to everyone. If you do not have a blog then link your Goodreads account. It is a good idea to friend me if your shelves are private.
  • Create a Goals/Updates/Results post (can be combined) It can also be a shelf on Goodreads. Be sure to friend me, so I can see it. Friend me: Kimberly
  • Begins midnight March 1st, 2016 and ends March 31, 2016 at midnight.
  • Read/listen to books from your TBR pile .
  • ALL books/audios must have been published before March 1,  2016. I don’t care where you got them, so old ARCS count too.
  • Post a review to Goodreads, or your blog then link it to the Rafflecopter for an entry. ( these can be mini review)
  • You can combine events, challenges etc.
  • No novellas for this one peeps
  • The rafflecopter will only allow you to enter up to two books daily, so update as soon as you finish a book.
  • Earn an extra entry for adding Take Control Button to your blog, or facebook (with link-back)
  • Use hashtag #TakeControlTBR
  • Earn extra entry for participating in Twitter Party Wednesday March 16th and 7pm (EST) (There will be mini-prizes)
  • Earn extra entry for participating in the 24 hour TBR read-a-thon  Saturday March 12th. (sign-up will post in February)
  • Rafflecopter will close on April 2, 2016 at midnight and a winner will be chosen within 72 hours. Open internationally as long as Book Depository or Barnes and Noble ship to you. Prize: New 2016 release valued at up to 20 US dollars. I will do pre-orders as well. (may request eBook copy from Amazon or B&N)

My Goals

Since my TBR pile is massive and there is no getting around it, my goals are simply to read 20 books and review them during the month of March. I plan to do a combo of eBooks, ARCs, and physical books to accomplish this. I think it’s doable 😀 Here’s a few of the books I plan to read:

Track My Progress!

Track my progress below or follow my shelf on Goodreads!

Take Control of Your TBR Pile: 12/20



    my take-control-tbr-2016 shelf:
    Lillian's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (take-control-tbr-2016 shelf)

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