Sunday Post #88 – Last Week of Summer

Posted August 14, 2016 by Lillian in Features / 4 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things you have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Sunday everyone! Tomorrow is little man’s first day of Kindergarten. How did the Summer go by so fast?! I decided to take this week off from the blog, other than the few posts I had scheduled already, to spend the week with little man. We didn’t do much, spent a weekend in Nashville and then lazed around the house. I still can’t believe he’s five and old enough for Kindergarten! The tooth fairy made two visits to the house this past week as well so he was excited.

Last night we met his teacher and toured his classroom. He is so ready. I, on the other hand, am not ready to let my buddy leave me for school all day. I know he will do great, but I will miss having my little man with me. He’s like another limb, always with me, my little helper, and and play mate. But it’s time to let him go and I know he will do great!

Currently Reading

I am starting The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski today as part of the Can You Read a Series in a Month? challenge. I’m excited about it and hope it will get me out of the summer reading rut.

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Up this Week

  • A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe – review
  • Top Ten Tuesday | “Top Ten Books With X Setting” via the Broke and the Bookish
  • Spearwood Book 2 by A.S. Oren – review
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling – review
  • City of Glass by Cassandra Clare and Defy by Sara B. Larson – July’s #HW2016 reviews
  • Saven: Defiance by Siobhan Davis – review
  • Weekend Reads | The Royals by Erin Watt – series review

This Week’s Book Fix

Book Cover for "Immortal Writers" by Jill Bowers
Book Cover for "Rise of the Chosen" by Anna Kopp

What are you reading this week?

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4 responses to “Sunday Post #88 – Last Week of Summer

  1. I remember even all these years ago the sense of loss I felt as each of mine started school. But my mother always said that bringing up children is like a long-drawn out letting go… The only time they are truly yours is when they are in the womb and after that – bit by bit, you give them the tools to go further away. I found that idea helped a lot. I LOVE the cover of Immortal Writers – hope you really enjoy it. Have a great week – our children don’t go back for another 3 weeks…

  2. It’s tough when they start school! And I’m with you- where did the summer go? Gah I can’t believe it’s mid August already. School doesn’t start here until after Labor Day, but still…

    Immortal Writers and the Chosen Knights both have great covers! Hope they’re good.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #155My Profile

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