Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together
Happy Tuesday y’all! Today’s topic is “(First Ten) Books I Reviewed.” I started reviewing long before I had a blog and honestly can’t remember what was my first book. As a result, I’m sticking to what is on the blog. This year marked the fifth anniversary of the blog (doesn’t seem possible!!). Here are the first ten reviews I posted in order by post date.
Y’all be kind….my reviewing skills have improved since then 😅
My First Ten Reviews
First Love by James Patterson: Growing up I was a huge fan of James Patterson’s mystery/crime novels….Along Came a Spider was one of my favorites. When I got older, I discovered some of his romance and fell in love. Y’all this one broke me. It is SO good!
Deep Green by Trisha Haddad: I have read nothing like this book since reading it over five years ago. It is by far one of my favorite reads. It’s a story of survival after a young girl is thrown from her cruise ship with some other unlucky people. They wash up on an island and the mystery deepens.
Kiss of Fire by Rebecca Ethington: It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with this series. When I wrote this review, I’d already read the book three times 😂 I shared a review because book four was about to be released and I wanted an excuse to read it again.
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks: Sparks will always be the king of romance in my opinion and this book is my second favorite of his (The Notebook is number one of course 😉).
Promiscuous by Isobel Irons: I’m not sure if this book is even for sale anymore. The author, who is writing under a pen name here, disappeared from social media a few years after this book, much to my disappointment. I loved this book and its sequel. The author addresses some hot topics and addresses them well.
The Atopia Chronicles by Matthew Mather: I don’t remember this book at all, other than I didn’t like it and didn’t finish it. I don’t write DNF reviews often because of this book!
Eyes of Ember by Rebecca Ethington: The second book in the Imdalind series and my second or possibly third re-read at the time of writing this review. This is also my favorite of the series….give me more Ilyan any day 😉
Destiny Calls by Phenice Arielle: This book is unique and I don’t say that lightly. It is unlike anything I’ve ever read and I loved it. I still hold out hope that the author will finish the series (a new cover was released just last year so there is hope!).
Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom: Albom is one of my DEAR (drop everything and read) authors. If he writes it, I will read it. This is one of his nonfiction books that interweaves his faith (Jewish) with Christianity. He discusses how his rabbi influenced his life growing up, and how as an adult he became involved with helping a Detroit pastor build a church home. Y’all I loved this book, still do!
Scorched Treachery by Rebecca Ethington: Imagine that, another Imdalind book 😂 Y’all I really do love this series. This is the third book and my second time rereading it at the time of writing the review. Book four was due out and I was determined to read and review them all.
Your Turn! What books were the first you reviewed? Share below 💋
Everyone seems embarrassed by their early reviews, but I honestly love looking at my old ones to see how much mine have improved over the years! You live and learn, right? Congratulations on five years — here’s to many more!
Happy TTT!
Have you read everything Nicholas Sparks has ever written?
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: First Ten Books I Reviewed
All but the most recent one (which I know is already a year old 🤦🏼♀️) and his nonfiction. 😉
Those were new to me ones. It’s fun to see how far we’ve all come since we started blogging!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Kiss of Fire does sound good! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
It’s one of my favorite YA urban fantasies. If you ever have the chance to read it, I highly recommend it 😉