Sunday Post #129 – October ’17 in Review

Posted November 5, 2017 by Lillian in Features / 6 Comments

The Sunday Post_ Month in Review
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things you have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Sunday y’all! October went out with a bang for us. Little man woke up Monday morning with a stomach virus that has lingered all week. Bless him, I feel SO bad for my little man. Yesterday he started feeling some better though and is actually eating so I count it as a win. We missed trick-or-treating but have some sweet friends and family that brought us treats. Hopefully he’ll feel like eating them next week.

October was a great reading month for me. I managed to read/listen to 15 books. I’m not really sure how I did it, it’s a record for me 😀 I didn’t review as much as I’d like to and took this last week off from blogging to take care of little man. However I have lots of posts for this month 😉

Favorite October Read

Book Cover for "Never Apart" by Romily Bernard

Favorite October Quote

How do you fight the darkness? You refuse to let it snuff out your light.

~from The Emperor of Evening Stars by Laura Thalassa

Reviews in October

Other October Fun

Coming Up this Week

  • The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay – review
  • Top Ten Tuesday | “Ten Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders” via the Broke and the Bookish
  • Children’s Corner | Time’s Kids Big Book of How and Big Book of Why
  • Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop – review
  • Weekend Reads | Curse by Steven James

This Week’s Book Fix

What are you looking forward to in November?

This month I’m planning to read lots of holiday books, restrain myself from putting up our Christmas tree until after Thanksgiving (or at least the weekend before), and enjoy time with family. November didn’t start off well. A good friend of mine that I grew up with lost her brother this week. This family was like a second family to me growing up and my heart has been so heavy since hearing the news. I really have no words for the situation. It breaks my heart.

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6 responses to “Sunday Post #129 – October ’17 in Review

  1. I was told I can’t put up my trees but while putting away the halloween stuff I told my husband why not bring up the Christmas stuff…that was a big fat NO! 🙁 now I have to wait until the day after Turkey Day! 🙂

    Sorry the little man wasn’t feeling well and missed Trick or Treating. Stomach Bug is nasty and lingers sometimes. We got hit a few years ago, ripped through the house before I could stop it. I am glad he is feeling better and can start eating candy soon! 😉

    Have a great week, Lillian! Happy Reading! ox
    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…It’s NOVEMBER…ALREADY?!?!~ WIR & SPMy Profile

    • Tell him it makes Thanksgiving so much more festive to have the house decorated 😉 That’s my excuse, but it ain’t happening for me either. Hope you have a great week Michelle!

  2. I hope he starts feeling better! That was so nice of your family and friends to think of him missing out on Halloween! I think The Man and I are in a Mexican standoff over the Christmas tree, waiting each other out to see what will come of it since this will be his first year actually staying in Texas for the holiday. I bet he’ll throw a fit if I try putting it up before Thanksgiving. I am sorry to hear about your friend’s brother. It is hard losing someone you grew up with. *hugs*

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